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Everything posted by thegummy

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1484139058' post='3212933'] I've done a few. Most recently I replaced the original white plate on a Yamaha SBV500 with a rather more vulgar pearl red. I don't have any power tools adequate for cutting scratchplate material (I have a scroll saw but it's far too inaccurate to do anything but rough cutting) so this was largely done by hand. I used the original plate as a template - using the screwholes on the original, I attached the old plate & the blank to a suitably-sized piece of wood so everything was clamped tightly together. Then I scored around the outline of the original, removed the old plate then drilled millions of holes around the shape of the new plate, as close to the score lines as possible. That made it quite easy to cut out the rough shape of the new plate using a combination of scroll saw & hand tools. Fortunately scratchplate material is quite soft & easy to work because then it was a matter of filing the rough edges to meet the score line & achieve the correct finished dimensions. I didn't trust myself to accurately shape a 45 degree bevel so I settled for a straight edge with the top rounded off a little. The plastic had a protective layer on it while I worked so most of it stayed intact, but any minor scuffs on the top surface polished out with T-Cut. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out: This is the biggest job I've undertaken & it did take a good few hours - previously I've done a half-sized plate & various trcs so have got reasonably confident with the material. Planning a custom-shaped plate for a Rickenfaker project at the moment. [/quote] That's very impressive! I definitely won't be going the hand route but I'm impressed you've done it so well. Good job.
  2. Anyone ever bought a blank sheet of pickguard material (such as the ones that WD Music sell) and cut their own pickguard? How would you go about doing it? What kind of place could you take it to to cut it for you?
  3. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1484054893' post='3212239'] Andertons review [/quote] Still massively love that bass; still hate slap
  4. [quote name='prowla' timestamp='1483906063' post='3211050'] North of £400 for a Squier doesn't make sense to me. [/quote] I wouldn't buy one but it makes sense to me. A MiM Standard is 600 quid.
  5. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1483717455' post='3209536'] Isn't that the idea? [/quote] Maybe that is the idea, I dunno. For me personally, it's just a model name. Like Les Paul. One good thing about sig basses though, I heard about the Pino Palladino model, decided to find out who he was and not only found my favourite bass player but my favourite album I've found in many years
  6. [quote name='Rexel Matador' timestamp='1483710563' post='3209439'] Why on earth did they discontinue the Matt Freeman? I've never heard a bad word about them. Is it because Rancid aren't quite as popular as they once were? [/quote] Do people actually buy signature basses/guitars because they like the artist?
  7. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1483052030' post='3204487'] Nice. Weight? [/quote] light enough even for my delicate spine [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1483052188' post='3204489'] Looks like typical Fender QC looking at the fret work and tuners, I've got the 5 string version but mines a bit bigger unless you have massive hands? [/quote] Even as a Fender fan boy I found that quite funny. I do just have massive hands but they're very precise!
  8. I'm looking forward to seeing the new Squier range next month. Not that I'd ever buy one lol
  9. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1482244992' post='3198793'] What were the frets like? Noticeably tall? I have to admit, I don't think I've ever noticed whether my frets are tall or not so I'm curious to see how tall these ones are (I'll give on a go next time I'm in a shop, but just curious now). [/quote] With a guitar you can tell, with vintage frets the strings almost touch the fretboard but with tall you can get more of a grip. Think it matters a lot less on bass, think some people even prefer vintage
  10. What shop in Glasgow and which model? I want to see this for myself, I find it hard to believe there's an American fender that has frets hanging over the edges
  11. Decided I'm defo getting the 50s P in January; I want it too much to care about the details!
  12. Cheers guys
  13. Anyone know if the 50s Precision comes with a case? I don't think it does, so if not, any recommendations for a hard case that this will fit snugly in?
  14. [quote name='Oldboy' timestamp='1481721979' post='3194527'] I am confused, cause I just looked at he website and found this: [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Squier-by-Fender-Classic-Vibe-60s-P-Bass-Guitar-Olympic-White-Box-Opened/1RIM"]http://www.gear4musi...Box-Opened/1RIM[/url] What looks like exactly the same thing for £399..... [/quote] It's because they've already opened the box as a quality check inspection. It's exactly the same bass from the same batch but you get 15 quid off because it's been opened.
  15. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1481362096' post='3191716'] NOT Pro series but wonder if these will make their way over here. I like the cosmetics EDIT. They are here. £690. Tempting! [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/s-l1600_zpssd7mizii.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] What is that?
  16. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1481305034' post='3191410'] Wonder if it's 13 times as good?! [/quote] It is - it makes you play like Pino Palladino
  17. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1481304028' post='3191405'] Jeez, I bought a red CV P-bass new in December 2010 - it was around £280! Lovely bass, should have kept it. Remember it had a very nice feel, and I actually gigged it a few weeks after buying it. Super colour (especially with the tort) - should be available as a part of the new American Pro series! [/quote] I think the only way to get that colour now is the Pino. Over 13 times the price you paid for your Squier!
  18. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1481291795' post='3191281'] If it's another run of the CV '60s P with all the same specs, that'd be great news - part of me still regrets not pulling the trigger on one of the original line (though admittedly I was partly put off by the colour). Though is it just me or has the price been cranked up a fair bit? [/quote] Seems to be quite pricey. That's the sad thing that happens when a bargain product gets rave reviews online, they hike the price.
  19. There used to be a CV 60s P that looked like the Pino Palladino bass; Fiesta Red with tort pickguard. I wonder if this is a new model that's coming out next month since the delivery time is the end of January? Interestingly, they have one with 16 quid off because the box has already been opened for quality inspection and this one is available immediately. Maybe you could be the first person to get one!
  20. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1481233735' post='3190923'] I mean there was a massive gap between the end of the neck and the body. It was so loose I could easily shift the neck from side to side when playing. [/quote] How could it shift with 4 bolts in it?
  21. Mannnn that sonic grey Jazz really is one of the nicest looking instruments I've ever seen. Some contrast to the worst hairstyle I've ever seen...
  22. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1481112847' post='3189756'] I remember back when the updated US Standard range was released in 2008 and people were saying that £795 rrp was too much for them. This year people were paying £1200+ for the same thing. (And don't get me started on "custom shop" pickups on the post 2010 models that justified another price increase. What the hell is "custom" about winding a pickup ffs?) [/quote] Custom Shop is just the name for Fender's high end instruments/parts, it's not to be taken literally
  23. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1481059804' post='3189440'] No but I've played the bass twice and it sounds great. Saw Steve Harris playing last week and the bass looks awesome dispite the WH logo. [/quote] Fair enough. I could never have something with another team's logo on it. Always wondered if anyone but WH fans would buy that bass
  24. [quote name='SH73' timestamp='1481056891' post='3189413'] [url="https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fmicassets.com%2FDamroot%2FZoomJpg%2F10001%2F0141032305_gtr_frt_001_rr.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.fender.com%2Fen-US%2Felectric-basses%2Fprecision-bass%2Fsteve-harris-precision-bass%2F0141032305.html&docid=XuMtKMZ5l7QjBM&tbnid=gABt0F7MHJWuiM%3A&vet=1&w=2400&h=662&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=560&biw=360&ved=0ahUKEwjHp7C-tuDQAhXBB8AKHX6TBf8QMwgbKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8"]https://www.google.c...iact=mrc&uact=8[/url] [/quote] Do you support West Ham?
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