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Everything posted by thegummy

  1. Another thing to note when talking about the price difference between Squiers and Fenders is that there are a lot of people who will pay extra purely to have one logo over the other. Just like when people pay 3 times the price for a polo shirt with a Ralph Lauren logo on it.
  2. MIM Standard to American Standard, there is an upgrade in the hardware and electronics used. On guitars certainly the American has a neck with rolled edges, not sure if that applies to basses. Going down to the Squier Affinity there will be an even further drop in the hardware and electronics. It'll probably be as cheap they can possibly find really. Where it really gets muddy is comparing high end Squiers to low end Mexicans and high end Mexicans to low end Americans. By pretty much any account I've ever came across the high end Squiers are better, or at least as good as, the low end Mexicans despite costing less. Same with high end Mexicans being as good as low end Americans.
  3. Thought I should mention here that the tone pot is crackly and can't be fixed with contact cleaner. In fairness I have found the quality of the body and neck, the frets, the bridge and tuners to be all high quality and well put together. It's just in the electronics I've found problems. Will need to look into how to replace the tone pot when it's wired up with that stupid phase switch thing.
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1468447501' post='3091063'] The Classic 50s has a really aggressive punch to it. The neck is wide, not too wide though, and the vintage frets make it very eady to play. Very nice basses. That said the post 2012 MIM Standards are great basses too. My backup is one of these, I`ve had a few of the 2012 MIMs, stupidly sold them all, but - imo - very smartly bought this one back. Very decent basses in their own right, but ideal for any pickup/scratchplate/hardware changes if intending to make a bass exactly as you want. My advice, get to a music shop play each and get whichever your hands like the best, whichever you choose you`ll have got yourself a very decent bass. [/quote] Would you say that, ignoring pickups, it's really down to the preference of the neck shape and frets rather than one being superior to the other in any objective way?
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1468444986' post='3091039'] The truss rod adjustment issue is stupid. Why oh why could they not put it in a more sensible place... it's not like it's a 100% perfect replica anyway! [/quote] It's even more silly on the Classic Player Strats; it's fine to give them 12" radius necks and jumbo frets that make it play totally differently to a 50s guitar but God forbid it be any more convenient to set up than it was in the 50s! Thanks for your comments mate.
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1468400282' post='3090623'] If the truss rod adjustment irritates you that much why is this bass on your list in the first pace. I'd be looking for a good used Am Std P bass. [/quote] I'm not sure how much of an issue the truss rod would be. It's not a deal breaker and other replies suggest it's not so bad. My irritation is more that they've done it purely to be vintage correct when it has no benefits, only cons. Thanks for the other replies. One thing I want to know, would the "build quality" be better on the 50s than the standard? I'm not even sure what that means other than frets being level and not sprouting. Maybe to do with the neck fitting perfectly with the body? Wouldn't that be a non issue with cnc machines anyway?
  7. I'm trying to decide between getting a Classic 50s Precision and leaving it stock or to get a MiM Standard and install a tort pickguard and a Bare Knuckle pickup. The advantages of the 50s is that it already looks very cool and the stock pickup sounds pretty good. Major disadvantage for me is the heel truss rod adjustment. Never actually experienced one but seems very inconvenient and actually irritates me that they've made it like that. Something I'm not yet sure about is the vintage frets and 7.5 radius. On a guitar this is a deal breaker for me, mainly because of bends, but I think perhaps on a bass it wouldn't really matter. Advantage of the Standard is that it's cheaper enough to then get the tort pickguard to make it as cool looking as well as the BK pickup which should be great. Also has the sensible truss rod adjustment. Anyone want to share their opinion to give me some food for thought to consider? No need for any "play them both" comments, I obviously will before I buy one
  8. [quote name='pineweasel' timestamp='1468259453' post='3089670'] Here's one: [url="http://www.axesrus.co.uk/Bass-Control-Plate-3-Hole-p/portjb3hole.htm"]http://www.axesrus.c...portjb3hole.htm[/url] [/quote] Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, it seems that's for a Fender one too so the holes wouldn't line up with where the pots are on my bass. Schecter parts don't seem to be available at all.
  9. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1468275674' post='3089837'] Got it,it is very cheap feeling to me.i thought the front and back had a gloss finish? Just the fretboard on this one ,not as good as a CV or VM squire imo.....sounds are nothing special. Going to return it. Dang,i thought it would be a hidden gem after reading reviews elsewhere [/quote] I agree the sounds are nothing special. Surprised you say it's not as good as a Squier though; it has Grover tuners and a much better bridge.
  10. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1468195007' post='3089199'] yes... missed that.. a side plugger. just get the right one for your bass... they are there. [/quote] Feel free to post a UK link if you can find one
  11. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1468182267' post='3089125'] I would have left it alone anyway. [/quote] Okay
  12. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1468176097' post='3089050'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/099-2055-000-Fender-Chrome-USA-62-3-Hole-Stacked-Knob-Jazz-Bass-Control-Plate-/331896894996?hash=item4d4698b614:g:HVwAAOSw9mFWIx6T"]http://www.ebay.co.u...VwAAOSw9mFWIx6T[/url] [/quote] Not sure the pots would fit up with the holes, it was a bit of a struggle getting them aligned to the ones I did do. Wouldn't pay 22 quid plus import duty anyway. To be honest, the imperfect control plate as well as the holes left from the pickguard screws are really doing it for me on a "DIY hack job" vibe. Possibly the fact I'm going to get a much more expensive P Bass to be my main one is partly why I'm happy to enjoy this as a rough looker
  13. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1468171666' post='3088997'] you can get 3 hole ones as I think that looks rather erm .... [/quote] Oh well, that's the first negative comment after many positive ones. I couldn't find any 3 hole ones. Doesn't bother me at all though.
  14. Looks so much better now!
  15. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1468049892' post='3088238'] Andertons have a few of these at a bargain clearance.always been interested in what they sound like , So i just purchased 1 :-) .......can't say no to the price,h ope fully it will handle drop C tunning fine [/quote] To me it just sounds standard Jazz but you'll hear for yourself. The description hints that it's humbuckers with a coil tap but it's definitely not, it's just single coils. The push pull switch is supposedly a phase switch but it doesn't really do anything for me. Makes it sounds a tiny tiny bit worse lol
  16. [quote name='Eerosmith' timestamp='1467985795' post='3087834'] Thomann website says it has a male neck... cheeky. [/quote] Then why is it pink?
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1467755843' post='3086034'] Er... if the truss rod adjustment wasn't at the heel, it wouldn't be a Classic 50s Precision, would it?[/quote] Well it's not actually from the 50s. If it's just that at that time they hadn't came up with the easier method of adjustment then it seems totally crazy to copy it just to make it more like it was in the 50s. People surely want one that looks, sounds and plays like one from the 50s, why would anyone want something to be worse just because it was in the 50s? TBH I was hoping there would be at least a theoretical reason like the truss rod being more stable when adjusted like that or something. [quote]Edit: If you're considering a Classic 50s P, you should really also consider a Road Worn. A better bass, imho. [/quote] Interesting. What's better about it? It's about 1 and a half times the price.
  18. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1467739657' post='3085809'] Slightly OT, but does anyone know why any bass manufacture today would design a neck/truss rod system that would require the neck being loosened or removed to alter relief? It just seems bizarre! [/quote] I wonder this too. I'm heavily considering a Classic 50s Precision but the heel truss rod adjustment seems like it would be a pain; would be very annoying if the only reason is purely because that's how it was done back in the day. I could even see the point if it was to avoid having the hole behind the nut if that would make it [i]look[/i] more like a 50s one but it still has that hole so it would look identical if it had the adjustment screw there.
  19. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1467190249' post='3081717'] Are Kenny's Music a supplier that many (or any) have dealt with before or was this just a supplier you found that was advertising this bass? [/quote] I bought a guitar from there and my experience was mixed but mostly positive. I'd buy from them again just as happily as anywhere else but wouldn't go there specifically.
  20. When I heard pink I was expecting something more flamboyant lol Looks great though, what are the extra pots for?
  21. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1466796303' post='3078984'] One of these? - [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_control_plate_jbass.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...plate_jbass.htm[/url] [/quote] Thanks mate!
  22. Watched the Jaco film last night and was inspired to take the pickguard off my sunburst Jazz but of course it then leaves the knobs and wiring exposed. Anyone know where I can get one of the small ones that just cover the knobs but aren't actually a full size pickguard?
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1466631595' post='3077499'] Sound-wise very little, and IMO any difference in sound between the two is far more to do with the differences in construction and finish of the two types of neck than the material of the fingerboard itself. [/quote] Are there people who would claim to be able to hear 2 recordings of one of each fretboard type and be able to tell which is which?
  24. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1466579777' post='3076859'] Well, I respectfully disagree. In a loud and busy band mix, the difference is (to my ears) barely perceptible. At home, or in a studio, maybe - but even then it depends on the individual bass. Not all Js sound the same (even Fenders) and neither do all Ps. I have a J and a P, but rather than continually swap basses during a set (for some songs I favour a P bass sound) I stick to the J and use the neck pickup in isolation to get a decent approximation of a P sound. Obviously though it doesn't [i][b]feel[/b][/i] like a P, and I wonder if that is part of the reason why some people say that one can never sound like the other? [/quote] I should have said in my opinion of course. As a newcomer to playing the bass myself but years of being a critical listener/hobbyist engineer, I'm basing it all on sound rather than feel. I was really hoping the Jazz could get very close to the P tone and suspected those who said it couldn't were either exaggerating or being pedantic but I've found it to sound totally different. On records as well, any time I hear a record and think "that's the nice P tone I like" and research it, it's always an actual Precision being used. Could you recommend any records that has that P style tone but you know to have actually been a Jazz style bass?
  25. [quote name='eddiehoffmann' timestamp='1466458520' post='3076039'] I'm yet to experience a musical situation where I needed more than my P Bass. Tone control is your friend and different strings for different sounds too. Finger style, slap, pick, palm muting... I guess what I'm trying to say is... The sound is in your hands [/quote] Rush cover band?
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