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Everything posted by thegummy
I agree - both are useful to study. Would welcome any transcriptions in that fashion too if anyone knew any. It's actually a lot easier to that than the chordal way though because for large sections of the song, if not the whole song, the same notes are always going to be the same scale degree whereas with the chords it changes often.
We'll just have to agree to disagree then.
Putting the question of fingerboards aside, I think it's a mistake to buy something where any significant aspect of it bothers you. I think it's more likely to get more annoying over time and quite unlikely you'd just grow to like it.
I'm wondering if I've not explained myself clearly. I'm talking about getting the sheet music to a song and going through the notes like "that note is a C and the chord at that time is C so I'll write "R" above that. Then there's a G next, still under the same chord so I'll write a 5 above that." Then I can look at the bass line and see which scale tones are being used when. The process of writing the numbers out isn't improving any aspect of bass playing or writing, it's just arbitrarily converting it from one format to another.
I think you're mistaken that the act of just looking at a bass line and writing down which scale tone each note is would help someone develop anything other than the ability to do that itself. It's once that's written out that the useful study can be done. So it would be more like someone laboriously knitting themselves a sweat band before every time they went out marathon training. So they wish there was a place to get pre-made sweat bands in order to skip the part that doesn't actually help them with their running.
It's just so I can study basslines from good songs without having to work it all out first. I've done some myself like this but it's very time consuming for me.
Anyone know of a resource where songs are written out in a way that shows the chords of a song and the bass notes played in it as they relate to the chords? E.g. something like " R \ \ 3 5 | R \ \ 6 \ " if you know what I mean.
Isn't it because on a Jazz bass there are 2 pickups picking up each string in different locations so when they're added together some of the frequencies get cancelled out while on the P bass, even though the pickup comes in 2 pieces wired together, each string is only being picked up at one location? I think that's more to do with it than series/parallel thing because you can wire J pickups in series and it sounds very different but not like a P. It's a possible option for the OP though - to either wire the pickups in series or even add a switch that switches between that and normal. Favouring one of the pickups rather than having both on full might also help cut through. P.S. I'm jealous you have the Flea Jazz - I see it every time I'm in the guitar shop and it just looks so beautiful. I fear by the time I can afford to buy it they'll be out of production.
Does anyone have any info on the bass sound on Eric Johnson's Ah Via Musicom? Specifically the track "Desert Rose" but other tracks also. One of my favourite bass sounds but can't find any info on it really. Is it just a DI'd Jazz bass? Were any amps used also? Any other info at all, even strings, playing style, pickup etc. Fingers crossed!
Nice one, great to hear that as I've always really liked the idea of a Maruszczyk with their website letting you customise everything.
I emailed Maruszczyk asking if the fretboard edges were rolled or if it was possible to request that and he didn't seem to know what I was talking about.
Wow that is pretty extreme in that photo, I don't think I'd want that. It's more just taking the sharpness off. It felt quite nice when I tried it out in the shop but it was a rosewood fingerboard I tried so will have to wait and see what the maple feels like when it arrives. I've never actually played a bass with rolled edges but in the 6-string guitar world it's a must for me - I tried out a Mexican Fender to try to save some money but the hard edges were so distracting after being used to the rolled ones on my American models. So far all the basses I've been playing don't have rolled edges and has been okay so not sure if maybe it's less of a necessity on basses or maybe just that I haven't experienced the rolled edges to compare the others to so I don't know what I'm missing.
One person says they are and another says they aren't. Does that mean some are and some aren't?
On the full-fat MM Stingrays that cost a couple of grand, are the edges of the fretboard rolled like they are on American Fenders or square like on Mexican Fenders? I asked on here about trying out the Stingray sound and was recommended the Ray4. Tried it and really liked it so traded in a PRS guitar and now just waiting for it to come in stock. If I continue to like it over the coming months I might get one of the full on 2k models but I do prefer a rounded fretboard if possible, so are they like that?
It's interesting that the posts vary to the point of one person talking about how great a 200 quid bass is while another says that only a bass costing over 2000 really hits the spot. Not being sarcastic to either, genuinely find it interesting how much opinion can vary. There will be many different reasons for each of their conclusions. Can be very confusing for less experienced people to really know the market; is the cheapest bass essentially as good as any or is it totally rubbish? What about 500, 900 etc.? Does adding a thousand or two to that get a noticeably different quality? Is anything under this high price going to have compromises? (They're all hypothetical questions, just a range of varied possibilities that could be true to someone who hasn't had experience across the board.) Possibly one thing that's certain: whatever the sweet spot is of getting a great bass for the lowest price, going above that gives fewer and fewer improvements for more and more money.
Cool man. I like the Marusczcyk website, can't believe the price you can get a completely customised bass for. Do the fretboards on those have rounded edges like American Fenders or square edges like the Classic 50s?
What caused it to go unused if I may ask? Just go back to bridge pickup basses? I only ask out of interest as I have the same model but the honey blonde version (I also hated the gold pickguard, touching it gave me the heeby jeebies). The red looks amazing with white pickguard. How much did you get for it if you don't mind saying?
In reality, no one needs any instruments. On a less extreme level, no one really needs more than 1 bass guitar. Without focussing on the word "need"; if you don't already have a short scale J it will give you an extra option and that might be reason enough to get it. If you do already have a similar one and just like the new one, my advice is to look at it in a year's time (or even 2 or 5 years time). In a year's time do you think you'll look back and think your life would have been better with the extra 25 quid a month? If you're in a position where that wouldn't really have made a difference then definitely get the bass as it will bring you some pleasure. If you think about it on a longer term it's even less of an impact (fiver a month over 5 years etc.) Obviously it doesn't really work out like that because you don't give the bass back after that period, you continue to own it or sell it and get at least some of your money back. It's just a thought process I use to help me decide if something is worth purchasing; i.e. how much my life will actually be affected by the purchase vs. how much pleasure it will bring me.
Fair enough. What values did you go for out of interest?
I can answer that since I've been looking in to them - you're correct. I think the only difference is the headstock has the sterling logo instead of a sub one which is a bonus imo.
Could imagine it might be a form of reverse snobbery for some punks, like "we need an expensive guitar as much as we need interesting chords!"
More so than me, let's just say that lol
That does look primising, the fact they double the time they're legally required to let you return it confirms they're not just being forced to follow the law and are happy to do it. I did wonder if maybe the bigger companies like Thomann and possibly GuitarGuitar would be fine with the returns since they possibly deal with such high numbers that they're not hurt by losses. Thanks for pointing it out. Will have to look at how much it costs to send a bass to Germany but I'd expect it's reasonable and worth it. Happy to spend a certain amount to try it, my first thought was to look in to possibly hiring one for a week but the prices I found for instrument hire were laughable. Cheers!
See even if I sat there for say an hour (which would surely be quite excessive) I really don't feel I could get a good idea even in that time. I'd need a few days of decent sessions to properly get an idea, not to mention in the shop I wouldn't be able to see how it sounded in the mix. Re: the Distance Selling Regulations return - it's a bit of a controversial one. I know that legally they'd have to refund me but I have heard business owners say that they hate being forced to do that and I completely understand. I don't know if I could, in good conscience, cause them to loose money by having to sell it as B-stock purely because I didn't personally take to the sound. That's not to say I'm not grateful for the suggestions though. Very glad to hear that the lowest priced range Sterlings still get in the ball park of "the sound". That was an outcome I was hoping for.
Kinda of weird, I was just going to reply to Lozz's comment to say that between me posting the question and now, I'd read that Joe Dart's Jazz is a Mexican! Quite a coincidence. And I don't doubt for a second the MiM's sound great - my main bass is a Mexican Fender. I had theorised the reason I rarely see famous players with Mexicans is because they get endorsement deals from Fender so either get the higher end ones for free or at such a reduction they might as well buy the higher end ones. My friend knows a guy who isn't exactly a star; has had a few TV appearances on Jools Holland and such backing up artists but not as a known name himself and he can apparently get any Fender for half price. So I imagine anyone more famous gets even better deals than that.