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fleabag last won the day on October 22 2023

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    West Oxon

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Community Answers

  1. You did. It's there for all to see.
  2. 🤪
  3. Yeah good point. But, you're right, Sex Machine was probably the better title, so as to differentiate between the 2. Ive reported myself to the song title misuse board
  4. Well, the whole song title is Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine. To be accurate. But who the funk wants to type that out er....oops
  5. Shockeroo, i was in a 7 piece " funk " outfit about 4 years ago, and it was probably the best time ive had in any band. And yes, we covered James Brown's ' Get Up '
  6. Whoa , hang on. Found it .. Its a brilliant bag for a cheap price https://musotechuk.co.uk/products/rok-sak-primo-series-bass-gig-bag?variant=48246781378841&country=GB&currency=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gQT=1
  7. Roksak is another padded bag i own that accommodated a rather longer than average bass, a classic Overwater 34 scale but with a long body and headstock, which the shop told me wouldnt fit in any regular cases they had, so supplied the Roksak free of charge. Sadly i dont know the model of the bag
  8. Yeah i watched the whole vid, and saw the digits change 😀 I was kidding, cos she's mustard.
  9. I had trouble getting past the mutant fingers 'n thumbs 😀
  10. Posted on FB 13 days ago.
  11. The headstock is the only bit i like. The body shapes are as fugly as a fugly thing. But as always, taste is personal.
  12. How very dare you. Rodeo is banned here in Oxfordshire, and for good reason. People kept getting bucked off. Fretless, on the other foot, is encouraged in this county. I have one that i play live, but keeping within the law, i'm obliged to play it while wearing clown shoes, a pink sports bra, and a welder's mask. No suede and dub den here, i'll have you know
  13. Astonishing ! Thanks for the detective work 👍 Its a bit of a mystery it seems
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