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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. It just seemed beefier , which really is what you want from an MM clone pickup
  2. Thanks Phil One thing with the original ports, is that they're 2.75" I.D. at the outside but as they dive into the cab, they taper to 2.25" They may have been fine for the OEM drivers but i'm wondering if they should be bigger, so i've ordered a pair of 100mm ports from CPC , and they're 114mm long. Roughly, ( very roughly ) the combo is 2.47ft Cube, or 0.07M cube. If that equates to about 70 litres, then the Beymas should be fine as they need 30 litres each. Of course the back of the drivers use up some litreage, so it wont be quite 70 litres
  3. I've gone for @Phil Starr 's recommendation and ordered the Beyma CMV2's. I've used Beymas before , though it was the SN/110, and they were awesome. CMV2 drivers are £15 each cheaper than the betas, so have saved £30
  4. I eventually contacted Ashdown and got a reply the next day, but they didnt tell me what the original drivers were and what the TSP's were, and i did ask. Probably too old to keep such info All i got was a short message saying that the best replacement was the Eminence Beta 10 but that has Bill's absolute minimum xmax of 3mm. The beyma CMV2 suggested seems to be more apt
  5. Its a week on and i havent noticed any difference. That was some slick handover
  6. @ped has a passion for Vigiers ( sorry ) n
  7. I find him to be one of the nicest, most down to earth, not gone to me head, musicians on the planet.
  8. Fans arrived and now mounted. Dear cliff these things are quiet. I had to put my ear right up to them to hear them working. What a difference. The originals could wake a house of lords member. Not totally in love with the speakers, now the originals are back in.
  9. And for good measure, Guy aged 22 with Aussie synthers Icehouse playing a cricket bat. Anyone else see Icehouse at Milton Keynes Bowl supporting Bowie in the 80's ? I must have seen Guy without knowing it
  10. Another Pratt lover here Awesome bloke. Fab interview here, although a bit short. Eye opener was the bit about Gilmour playing fretless bass. Apparently all the fretless bass on The Wall was Gilmour https://www.musicradar.com/news/guy-pratt-the-80s-music-business-was-this-ludicrous-theme-park-awash-with-money-all-you-had-to-do-was-get-over-the-fence
  11. Yep, DD have already done the cleaning, hence the photo above, and there was some dust on the sink fins on the fan side, but not a great deal.
  12. Wait till there's a nice storm brewing , open a window and hurl the offending footwear outside, and write a song about it. You could call it ' sandal in the wind ' I do beg your pardon
  13. I favour the natural Greek Honeycomb Sea Sponge. It looks a little obvious under the strings, but hell, ..works like a charm
  14. Likewise, the heatsinks on the amp are at the back of the chassis
  15. Having now checked the fans, they were blowing in onto the heat sinks, and judging by the dust on the fins of the sinks, that confirms what you say Bill, although it wasnt a huge amount of dust But since Ashdown designed the fans to blow in and not extract out, i shall be mouting the new ones to blow onto the heat sinks
  16. Yes Phil i did use the SM110/n drivers in my two 2x10 cabs at the time Those in your link look great, but i'll wait till my new fans arrive, and check what the combo sounds like with the originals, as they're now mounted back in. I wont be upgrading unless its necessary
  17. They were both facing the same way, so either both blowing or both extracting The red wire off each were joined and the black wires were joined as well
  18. Thanks and will check them, but its which way they were facing that i dont know, because i pulled them out before checking
  19. One question regarding the fans on the back of the amp, something i should have checked before pulling them out, do they blow inwards onto the heatsinks, or extract the air off the heatsinks and blow it out the back of the amp ?
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