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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I told my mate to sell him, but he said the mrs would have his nutz for earrings
  2. My bass playing pal Jerry Soffe has just had his income whipped out from beneath him. As a full time professional , this is how he earns money, but all gigs and 3 up and coming tours now just tumbleweed in the breeze. Luckily, his wife's job means she carries on working, but they're down to one income and with a 16 year old living at home, who eats for 3, times are going to be tough for them
  3. Its not a big deal. Sometimes sellers want the buyer to arrange postage , and sometimes sellers arrange postage. If a seller doesnt want to arrange postag and neither does the buyer, then move on and buy something else. There's no obligations here on either side. Whats the fuss
  4. Sad times - those PJB C4's have gone. That £5100 car bill has wiped me out
  5. I checked their website, and it says that if any event is cancelled, they will be in touch and make refunds. Apparently The Crauford only announced their cancelletions yesterday, so i guess See Tickets will get round to contacting ticket buyers at some point
  6. Did you get your ticket from See Tickets ?
  7. Spoke too soon. Just found out The Crauford Arms, MIlton Keynes is closing down in 2 days, 20th March. All gigs cancelled from then on. Understandable
  8. I know what you're saying, and i agree. On the skew looks good but intonation is way more important
  9. That doesnt look like a good idea to me. The saddles that are at extreme ends only have intonation adjustment in one direction
  10. End of April Brand X , Milton Keynes, as long it's not cancelled
  11. " I here all week - lippy sucky f*cky - 10 dorra "
  12. Saw it, loved it. Jeeez he was one fecked up mutha, despite his genius. I cackled when Carter told MD to feck off, as did mr Slapper Nice to see some Wayne Shorter action too
  13. That rings bells. 64 spoons were quite entertaining , as they were a hilarious bunch. Jakko was a bit of a comedian, but the music was a bit odd
  14. Zoot alors !! They want payment for shipping as well. I declined after that, greedy oiks
  15. Just remembered another from the hazy days of the mid 70's ( damn those jazz ciggies ) Saw Jakko Jakszyk ( Michael Curran ) in his band 64 spoons downstairs in the dungeon that was the Corn Dolly in Oxford town center. He of course went on to Level 42, King Crimson and others. Fabulous musician https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakko_Jakszyk
  16. I'm afraid that it IS partly Ebays fault. They leave the system open to abuse because their rules suck.
  17. I wouldn't trust this bottom feeder to post it back. By Ebays own rules, it must be returned by a trackable method, but who knows if he'll use decent packaging. PP will refund him after you sign for it. They wont give a hoot if it comes back dented , covered in cow dung, or missing and a telephone directory in its place. Mind you, he'd be a brave bloke to do anything daft like that. You know exactly how to find him I would collect in person, as he's proved what he's like, and then give him a taste of his own medicine. Buyers think they can feck sellers around on a whim on Ebay.
  18. I saw Joe Jackson ( anyone remember him ? ) before he became famous. This was a band called Arms and Legs and it was a pub gig in Gosport. I happened at that time to be living in the Portsmouth/Southsea area. This would have been mid to late 70's
  19. The cheque's in the post Yes, i love you There's a 3rd but cant quite remember ...
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