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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Due to my Xvives no longer accepting a charge after 2 years of use, i'm not going to buy another set of any type like that again. Cant change the internal batteries. Bluddy scam, so bought a G75 My G75 is winging its way to me as i type and i've pre-emptied some purchases, like a right angle jack adapter so the supplied transmitter guitar jack doesnt stick out like something waiting to get snapped off. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Right-Angle-Guitar-Cable-Adaptor-Conventer-1-4-Male-to-Female-Mono-Chrome/202635499674?hash=item2f2e04589a:g:yakAAOSwW0tcmTzt Also, another pre-emptive strike was ordering a 5M barrel type power cable, so i can have the receiver on my amp and run the power from my pedal board brick. Luckily i have one spare 500ma socket ( G75 needs 350ma ) Ebay was no good for this cable as they didnt seem to have any longer than 1M https://www.kenable.co.uk/en/cctv-security/cctv-cables-reels/9408-21mm-x-55mm-dc-connector-lead-male-to-male-power-cable-1m-009408-5055383494088.html The only stumbling block at the mo is a decent pouch for the transmitter, but my strap is a 4" monster, and its pretty much that width all the way along, so pouches designed for guitar straps are no good. I may have something at home that i can rig up. Camera accessories have lots of funny looking pouches that may work, and i seem to have cupboards full of camera accessories. Might get lucky
  2. Yeah, that was what i was trying to say but didnt Mixed ages works fine.
  3. I'd take a wild guess and say a bass builder of Adamovic's experience and quality, dont make headstocks as an ' afterthought '
  4. I think the bigger age differences matters less as you get past a certain age. A 20 year difference in our band works ok, because the youngest is mid 40's. If the band had the youngest member at 20, i doubt whether anyone 40 years or older would get a look in
  5. Well of course Built on a factory line with about as much passion as a spotty McDonalds employee building a cheeseburger But i guess this hardly matters considering how many have bought them and use them. Millions of bassers cant be wrong
  6. There's over a 20 year difference between our youngest and oldest band member. Hasnt made the slightest bit of difference as far as our band goes. As it happens, the genre we play , everyone of us loves it
  7. Blimey guv, i had the identical Magnum 3 , apart from having regular knobbage, no sliders, and it cost me about £300.
  8. oooer, that is a rather spiffing looking lump of wood
  9. Blimey, you'd think there were no excellent bass builders on here for the asking
  10. What about a Guyatone ? A right stab in the dark I have no idea but they did make rather stonking JB copies
  11. They should epoxy that pile back together and it will sound just as good as when Fender built it
  12. I agree with the ' give it to him straight ' posts. You're not a social worker and he doesn't need the gentle approach, as if he were a child. He isnt gonna hurl himself off a cliff because he's not on a level playing field with everyone else. Just be straight, but not nasty. Thats it He may even go away and practice more.
  13. Almost exactly what dad said. Some tracks we cover are practically identical, some have bits changed to enhance things, some just embellished. The only thing we havent done, AFAICR, is that we havent dumbed any down
  14. There's a 21" version, 150kg stand if needed. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Large-150KG-Folding-Step-Stool-Multi-Purpose-Heavy-Duty-Home-Kitchen-Foldable/132089176191?_trkparms=aid%3D888008%26algo%3DDISC.CARDS%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131227121020%26meid%3D83a8aeb9b9004140bb32ec41b1b0c43e%26pid%3D100009%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D2%26mehot%3Dpp%26sd%3D122610169608%26itm%3D132089176191%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675&_trksid=p2047675.c100009.m1982
  15. I use folding steps ( 2 steps in my case ) and the 15" size. They'll take 130kg per step. Should easily cope with any cab situation. I've attached some sturdy packing foam on mine. Stops them sliding and gives the cabs grip, and helps isolates the vibes. They fold flat for transporting which is the cherry on the cake https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Plastic-Large-Multi-Purpose-Folding-Home-Foldable-Easy-Storage-Step-Stool-NEW/122610169608?_trkparms=aid%3D555018%26algo%3DPL.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131003132420%26meid%3D9e06dfa9a3da45c5b997c461a02b3f27%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D12%26mehot%3Dag%26sd%3D330752479864%26itm%3D122610169608%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851
  16. Time to get rid of this rubbish
  17. Agreed and i like the bass, but i dont play 5 's or contras. But if that was a 4 string regular 34" and £500 i'd be tempted
  18. Is that white bass a short scale ? Looks awfully stubby for a 34
  19. I'd like a to play with a drummer who turns up with his kit in a taxi Oh, yeah...ZZB
  20. Ask him if its a ghost bass, too
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