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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Indeed he was. Shame about his self destructive hobbies We do 2 covers of GSH's songs, namely Lady Day 'n John Coltrane and The Bottle
  2. They keep trickling in... i think its the processing and then i have to shorten them to keep under under the BC file limit. Still, this is the donkey end of Bad Girls bad girls 2.mp4
  3. Looks like another bass player might need surgery
  4. It was one of Louises' faves ( the landlady dancing at the front for the first 3 seconds ) and she's a super landlady so how could we not
  5. Would ya believe an Aria pro 2 SB900 thru a Trace Elliot combo .. @TheGreek will be wetting his pants
  6. How does anyone else know whether you should sell a bass or not ?
  7. Thanks pal. You can see i appear to be missing, but you can just catch a glimpse of my Aria Pro SB900 for about 3 seconds, behind the gitwrist. Thats cos i recently came out of hospital after hip surgery and i was still on crutches, so had to sit on a stool. Ah... what us bass twangers will do for a gig 😎
  8. Finally, it appears someone took a short video but no photos What The Funk ( us ) at NYE Buckingham move on up.mp4
  9. I've always gone for lowest action i can get away with. I dont measure, rather just keep lowering till the i hear the first fret buzz when fretting, and therein is my string height. The occasional fret buzz has been amended by some truss rod action, but if that doesnt work, then the string height is adjustment is done. High action makes me make mistakes, so i never use it, and also i'm not a digger in, so i dont twang the strings, which i suppose ya cant do with a low action. Famously, Percy Jones was quoted as favouring a high action on his fretless basses
  10. Just got home from our NYE gig in Buckingham. Boy .. great crowd , which makes a change. Dont know if anyone snapped us ...just gotta wait and see
  11. Good answers folks As stated, i use the passive input and just boost the gain on the Trace to find the clip point and then back it off so its not lighting up. If i used the active input, i simply have to up the gain to achieve the same clip point and then back it off, so i see no advantage to using the active input
  12. This is about both amps and bass, so stuffed it in GD Both my gigging basses are passive, and at rehearsals, where i use our guitarist's business warehouse, he has a Trace combo which i plug into, to save dragging my rig there. The Trace has active / passive inputs, and naturally, i used the passive one. He asked why i used passive and i said because i have a passive bass, but his argument was because i go through a Zoom B3 first, the Trace no longer sees a passive signal as the zoom changes the impedance. I wasnt sure what he was talking about, being a bit technically deficient in that area, so is he right ..should i be using the active input ? By the way, he's a clever electronics engineer, and builds upto 48 channel mixing desks for businesses here and Europe. He purchased all ex SSL stock after they closed down ( he was an engineer there ) and builds the desks from scratch.
  13. Just a quick thought chap...edit first post and remove " feeler " and " possible " as some see that and dont bother reading any further
  14. I've bought from Wunjo and they knocked £300 off a bass i was interested in, and then threw in a hard case that wasnt originally included. They were great to deal with.
  15. I gig 2 PJB 4x5" C4 cabs, 400 watt and 29lbs each + Genz Benz Shuttlemax 9.2 , 900 watt and 5.75 lbs I dont have any problems with volume , even in my 7 piece band
  16. Man oh man, these have some tension on them. I just fitted a new set and they pulled the relief on the neck so far that just adjusting the truss rod simply did not work because i ran out of adjustment. Luckily i had a spacer under the Schaller 3D and had to remove it to get the string height down. Originally i had the bridge saddles set flat ( with spacer fitted under bridge ) and with the amount of relief i like in the neck, had my perfect setup. With the spacer gone, i had to raise the saddles a tad. Good grief though, how did Fender get that much tension in Nickels ?
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