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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. My two main basses are 4 bangers, one ( Aria Proll SB900 ) is 16.5mm by default, and the other ( AJR of basschat ) built the body and i chose the Schaller 3 way bridge, which has an adjustment that can set the gauge to 16.5 mm, so both of them have that string spacing
  2. Got to be a pedant here and say that its a Vibrato unit, not a Tremolo unit. Tremolo is something completely different, and the effect of Tremolo is differing volume and can be set to various speeds. Some amps have Tremolo built in and and of course some Tremolo pedals can be had. My Zoom B3 has a Tremolo patch. Vibrato is a pitch changer, which is what the Kahler and all other whammy bars do. It doesnt help that to this day that these arms are still called Tremolo by the industry, and its totally totally wrong by 100% ....for instance.. https://www.whammyparts.com/faq/150-kahler-bass-tremolo-installation-guidelines https://www.bestbassgear.com/ebass/article/what-does-a-bass-with-a-kahler-tremolo-system-actually-sound-like.html
  3. Posts in off topic dont count towards your post count, if thats any help. You need to post drivel elsewhere, as already stated. Just ask teebs
  4. I'm afraid my Crimble No.1 has already been chosen. Soz
  5. After lunch ya say ? Set all phones on mute, then break open and neck some weird seasonal alcoholic drinks that i never touch the rest of the year. Scoff some festive cakes that are just regular cakes, but have their prices increased at xmas. Nod off on the sofa while the body gas is building nicely. Fart and belch while still in the land of nod. Wake up later, feel like i've been fired out of a cannon, watch a film they put on every year, go to bed singing " as sheperds washed their socks by night all seated round a tub " etc Repeat on Boxing day
  6. I played Banbury somewhere in a previous band but i cannot remember the pub. The name ' The Dolphin ' springs to mind, but that could be wrong
  7. Yup, i get the being an adult about it and all that. But i personally wouldnt do the gig. Forget all the silly revenge stuff i and others posted, but surely dont do the gig ? When the " cliquey " mob ask your band " where's Bruno ? " are they going to tell the truth and say they kicked you but you wouldnt do the gig ? Who will side with your band against you ? No one. Ballocks to 'em They made their bed. Now let the bar stewards lie in it The meek shalleth not inheriteth the earth. The meek shalleth inheriteth a kicketh in the nuts
  8. Well, in that case its the drummer and his stooges that are unhinged, not Bruno. If indeed, word gets around musicians, then it will come out that the band sacked their bass player for completely the wrong reason, then had the audacity to want him to cover their impending gig. Now , think about the ones who are unhinged ? I know what my guess would be. Of course, Bruno could always find religion, turn the other cheek, and they can slap the other side of his face as well
  9. Dave the drummer is my mate, as i dont know the other guys. Me and Dave used to be in band together a few years ago.
  10. Call a band meeting the day before the gig and make sure you tell them you feel you've drifted apart as people, and dont feel you can gig with them anymore, then ask the drummer if he likes sex and travel. Then leave them there scratching their selfish heads PS i hope its not the Banbury band Cold Blue Daze
  11. Try posting in bassists available forum.
  12. Welcome to the PJB + Genz Benz crew
  13. Since i have one, and bought one here on BChat 2nd hand for a lot less than £600, so i highly recommend the GENZ BENZ Shuttlemax 9.2. Handily, it has 2 seperate channels , each with EQ. One tube channel, one mosfet 500W @ 8 ohm, 900W @ 4 ohm, 2 channels, 5.75lbs (2.6kg) They come in silver as well
  14. I think ped has diverted any offers for me into his own inbox. I got nowt.
  15. I say keep it. Its got some history now, but the work done to make it better than it was, your patience in waiting all this time, and the fact that its one unique looking bass, i would treasure it.
  16. No probs FYI, i had it in the bridge position because i had a schaller 3 way adjustable bridge, so the string gauge thing didnt matter, as i just adjusted the bridge to suit
  17. You will, of course, be getting to keep some seriously stonking planks, courtesy of BGM/Manufacturers. I'd like to stick my tatty old oar in, and claim first dibs on a nice fretless 4 string, before the great unwashed manky crew on BC get wind of any freebies. Ta
  18. If you're thinking of adding this, i gather it will be between the P pup and the bridge which means i dont think it would work Its 16.5mm so it favours the neck position, but you already have the P mounted there
  19. Phone Chris May. I've done this regarding an Overwater in the past. I dont ever remember Overwater building such a pile of street pizza. Even back in the early days, they were pretty damn fine quality. I;ve owned 2 1980's built basses and they were top notch
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