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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I had this shot taken just before i went to spec savers
  2. wah ! A quarter of the price i paid for my Xvives
  3. Go to Dave Smart, as stated by mr knirirr. I know Dave, and he's a genius. If you want amps repaired, he's also your man. He's also built guitars from scratch. Phone first though.
  4. Good choice That whole album is mind blowing ( IMO ) Funny, i've never been an avid fan of JP's other earlier stuff, but of course i was aware of him, but it was a stroke of genius gettting him to play on Hejira. His work on it was nothing short of magical
  5. Wishbone lover here ! Apart from the classic CD's , which i have, i also got into some later WA from the late 80's Got Nouveau Calls and Here to Hear. The production is wonderful. Perhaps more commercial than the early classic stuff. Argus still remains THE album for me Here's Johhny Left Home Without It from the Nouveau Calls discette
  6. The 5 other members rejected the donkey. ☹️ Its just the afro and glasses now. Boo!
  7. The worst bit was setting up. We had to do it one band member at a time Drums first, then me and guitarist, and that was as many as we could get along the back wall. Keys went into the bay window, and then 3 singers lined up across the front ...weird !
  8. Struggle was an understatement The 3 singers were lined up near the door in that corner which they shut, and punters had to use the other door. Laughage !
  9. They liked this ...bluddy party poopers !
  10. Thanks Spon I put it to the band, but apart from me and the keys man nutjob, they thought it was a tad unprofessional. ☹️
  11. The crowd were superb. They love their live music. Makes a refreshing change from playing in a pub where no one is paying attention and the night ends up like a paid rehearsal. Our drummist and singist are married and they've known the Louise and her husband for 25 years, so thats how we got the gig. Lovely landlords. They also love their live muisc. Bloody tight though. We got 7 people in that corner , Ooops mate
  12. Of course people listen and care about lyrics " I like small speakers, I like tall speakers If they've music, they're wired for sound " Good ole Cliff
  13. So the courier company/or driver took their time and buyer thinks that was your fault ? Blimey guv. You must be a bloody nice guy stew. I would have told the oik to stop bitchin' like a schoolgirl and to foxtrot oscar.
  14. Got it. At least nosey-bass cant stick his trunk in there
  15. Thanks Ross ( and you hooky ) Ross, can you do the sillyness as in my first post ?
  16. Whoever said they wouldnt be paid ? You jumped the gun a bit there
  17. Just so you know we exist ...last nights gigger in Buckingham
  18. I know there are some right clever peeps on here, colour blind electricians, etc, So.. can anyone sort this out ..? We're after making a poster for the band. Though we should have done this 18 months ago, no one has the talent. We just did a gig last night, 16th, and we were so effing brilliant they want us back for New Years eve, but would like some posters. The keys/synth fruitcake wants to put ( see attachments ) the afro and the raybans on the donkey. Is that possible ? TVM !
  19. You were lucky. We used to dream of owning a bike
  20. Seller doesnt want responsibility of shipping ? Buy it, or get over it and move on Too far to collect ? Get over it and move on
  21. Its a bit of a dead end job, but funeral directors have to make a living 😁
  22. Which 11-16 ? I have the Tokina 11-16 f2.8 in Nikon mount and its a beauty. Not ultra cheap at £450 give or take, but can be had used for £200, give or take. Works out at 16.5 - 24mm on a 1.5x crop Nikon
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