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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Err... Ace Of Spades ? soz....I'll get me wellies
  2. Space Weed - Blue Savannah Underworld
  3. Joined 4 hours ago, drags a dead thread up 1 hour later. As WOT said, move on
  4. Striking and imposing, this bass will turn heads. He's correct. I turned my head towards the toilet
  5. This reminds me of famous Guitarist , Eric Johnson, who claims he can tell the difference between gold jacks on guitar cables, and nickel jacks. Apparently he uses gold jacks for lead work, and nickel for rhythm. Make of that what you will.
  6. Never seen one of these before. Is that a realistic price ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Warwick-Nobby-Meidel-Fretless-Bass-Guitar-Rare-Early-Serial-Number/254306721814?_trkparms=aid%3D888008%26algo%3DDISC.CARDS%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D59004%26meid%3Dda2e2169243d4d088e943e4eccdfc8fc%26pid%3D100009%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D2%26sd%3D392331223248%26itm%3D254306721814%26pg%3D2047675&_trksid=p2047675.c100009.m1982
  7. It reminds a tad of my parents all in one teak stereogram
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/URAL-BASS-GUITAR-USSR-SOVIET-VINTAGE-AND-RARE/192940888000?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D20190212102350%26meid%3Ddcbb22437311420792faffb66880b785%26pid%3D100012%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D202718208872%26itm%3D192940888000%26pg%3D2047675&_trksid=p2047675.c100012.m1985
  9. Maybe they found out they underpriced it, and ended the auction. They definately go for a lot more than that They seem to be rarer than 1000's too
  10. "This is the b-side of our single, sports fans. Hope it makes you sick" Vivian Stanshall
  11. When i was in my 30's, i got accused of being the bar steward love child of Ian Dury, but i didnt see it. Mind you, someone hit me with a stick after this photo was taken
  12. Oh dear cliff. I was hoping the Funkamatic was gonna be filter heaven
  13. Anyone heard of this mob ? British built pedals, apparently https://www.facebook.com/bigzed900/
  14. Ooof, no. I'm never going to buy another bass. Had enough of that hobby
  15. Demo of envelope filter in Zoom B3 > Focusrite > Reason ( only EQ used was from the on board bass preamp ) https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=13903530
  16. My mate has one, and its pretty awesome. Through an amp they sound ace. Especially in the hands of someone that is pretty slick on guitar
  17. Someone with excellent taste finally bought one for £205.
  18. No one bid. What's wrong with folk ?
  19. Why didnt the poster bung it in Google translate
  20. There maybe some Dutch speaking members here, but pasting a load of posts in a foreign language on a mainly English speaking forum isnt of much use
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