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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. As a mate of John for over 25 years, and having sat in his workshop drinking tea and eating toast, i can tell you he is surrounded by projects, bread an butter jobs, and enough electronics to build a modern submarine. He is a one man band as stated, very busy, and doesnt look at his emails every 5 mins. The advice given on phoning is your best bet. He is one of the most helpful tech guys around
  2. £200 eh ? I wouldnt turn my nose up at that either
  3. Thanks chaps I wouldn't call it mega discount. It's 25% but its enough for my mate to go with JBL over RCF. I'm thinking he may go with PRX models
  4. It'll be JBL because of discounts, as mentioned. I'm not paying, either , so i have no say
  5. One of our band wants to splash out on some better PA powered main cabs, and i suggested RCF 735 / 745 but he's going for JBL because he can get 25% discount through his audio business. Does anybody know of, or use JBL PA powered cabs, that are up there with the quality of RCF ? ta peeples
  6. For the deepest low end response, look no further than Ebony neck laminates. Also prepare yourself for unheard of fundamental sustain I concur with what they saaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  7. Only used as thumb rests for me, nothing more. Both built from solid Purpleheart, and yup, i went a smidge overboard on the first
  8. Top banana bth. This is what its all about. Absolute fun all round , from what i can see.
  9. Thumb rests are the only reason i have 2 of my basses fitted with ramps. I dont dig in, cos i ain't a digger, so dont need a ramp to stop the digging in, ...dig ?
  10. I also rememeber that most of the loons didnt have pockets anywhere at all.
  11. Well she could of at least worn some chenille table cloth. What a lightweight
  12. Oh dear cliff. My loons were gold satin. Not forgetting the chenillle ( table cloth of olden days ) jacket i wore. No photos remain, thank the force
  13. " Hit me Hit me Hit me Hit me Hit me with those Custard Creams "
  14. Me too. In fact, i enjoyed my first ever journey to France by Mini Estate with my pal and our 2 gitrlfriends at that time, and we only had a couple of cassette tapes for musical company. One was Lou Reed's Rock n Roll Animal, and the other was Rattus Norvegicus. Happy days indeed
  15. You get a stale jam doughnut for the oldest thread revival known to man
  16. Aguilar filter twin in great condition, with box. Post free
  17. I've offered to teach him the D and A notes. £60 each
  18. Large Corps base their headquarters and tax affairs offshore from mainland UK and enjoy/exploit lower tax brackets. Eire, Luxemberg etc. Your local builders, bakers, and candlestick makers are just too small to be based offshore What the rules should change to is that any company that sells goods here, should pay the same standard UK corporation tax as any other UK based business.
  19. While we all abhor the cunning corporate tactics of paying sweet FA tax on profits, this is a fault of the Govt. tax loopholes. They could shut these loopholes down in the blink of an eyeball, but they wont. Not even the local self employed plumber, electrician, builder etc , pays more tax than they have to. Everyone bar none, pays the minimum that HMRC requires. The big monster corporate money making machines are merely paying the legal amount, and least amount that they can get away with. Like every other business.
  20. Dont ever bother with Musicians In Your City. Utterly awful site https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/musicians-in-your-city.co.uk
  21. Maybe HSBC bank is different ? They certainly refunded me , as i stated earlier
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