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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Likewise. My TE gear had the same Dagenham accent as me, which was a smidge spooky
  2. Great post Pro C. He is awesome and that's not the easiest of music to play. Mitchell is a writing genius, which is why i have 3 of her best CD's Impressive
  3. Yup ! These payments can be reversed just like a normal Paypal payment. They can be reversed if funded by a credit card, Bank account or even if the funds are in the senders paypal account.
  4. Exactamundo. No one gives anything away by giving out bank details to someone for payment. Remember cheques ? Same details are on a cheque and we used to throw them at businesses and people like confetti
  5. Apart from one of my basses that was built by Andy JR on Basschat, all other basses are foreign, + Genz amp, PJB cabs, Far East pedals, etc etc etc. Still got some Trace gear in bits, but a Trace 4x10 combo is not to be trifled with unless you're married to a chiropracter. The Genz Shuttlemax i can balance on my head
  6. I had over 100 new kitchen tiles " go missing " from Ebay. I paid for the goods via PP. I was told by PP that they had proof of delivery from the courier. Trackable doesnt always mean a signature is required. The courier hits a few buttons on his courier pad to say the item has been delivered. Thats all PP / Ebay need. After a few weeks of messing around with messaging ( had to do it on Facebook with My hermes ) who denied everything. They dont have a customer line anymore ( no surprise ) so FB is the only way. In the end, i found out the courier had delivered the tiles to the Chinese Takeaway 30 yards away, who in fact never received the goods. I got so hacked off with the courier ( who probably stole them ) and the seller, who didnt give a hoot. and Ebay and PP who didnt a give a hoot either, so after about 7 weeks or so, i contacted my bank and got them to reverse the payment. Suddenly, PP took notice ... i paid twice because he only sold in bundles, and i needed 2 bundles to complete the job, but for some reason, PP only reversed one of the payments, and that caused more mayhem. But the bank of HSBC helped and i got all the money back, but only because i got my teeth sunk in like a Jack Russell with a rat. Bar stewards, the lot of 'em.
  7. Found long term bands there twice, but mostly seems to be full of numpties of varying degrees, as already noted. EG delusional about their skills, some are time wasters, some dont answer, but i guess thats not special just to JMB
  8. What dunc said. 100% Old scam, but it catches people out
  9. I dont think the seller is obliged to pay for returns. The buyer who decides to return an item due to not being described correctly or has damage, has to return it at their cost by a trackable method. AFAIK, only businesses pay to have items returned to them, unless the rules have changed
  10. The dog did it, the kid did it, i was ill and not in control, since bidding i've been involved in a bizarre yachting accident, i had a brain transplant the day before, the list goes on After 14 years on there, i've heard them all
  11. That reminds me ..i must put bog rolls on my shopping list
  12. They're going to be so awesome when finished. What a labour of love Keep at it Chris
  13. Oh good grief !! I'll hand myself in. I dont want any trouble
  14. Blimey - is this a video for the hard of thinking ? Surely even a drummer could work out how to adjust a strap
  15. So far, i'm the only one using Xvives. No trouble with actives, though i now use passives, and no latency.
  16. Yes, you slacker ! Get it done sir otherwise i'll send the boys round
  17. Lovely I needed to replace the MBll pickups in my SB900, but i didnt like paying the Paypal fees for Rautia pickups, and on top of that, i couldnt have them till August, so i got Aaron Armstrong to make a custom set, and i had them within a week
  18. I know, yup . Been 12 days now so i've given up on Lee Its weird but i had an SB600 fretless many many moons ago and it was exactly the same colour. There weren't that many colour options, IIRC ?
  19. Thanks DD Bit of spit n polish helped too. Looking good
  20. I guess Lee didnt post the bits to me as promised, so in the end i scooted off to a local nut n bolt supplier only 1/2 mile away and not only did he have the corrrect allen key grub screws for saddle height and the intonations screws, he supplied the grub screws in stainless and the other screws in zinc plated, which is a bonus over the mild steel originals which were rusting. The only parts he couldnt find were the intonations springs, but i found a bass bridge in one of my chest of draws and robbed the springs from that, so its job done The SB 900 bridge is now buffed and refitted.
  21. Thats just a small part of it. Its all the other gunk that makes the Ebay monster unattractive and has done for a few years now
  22. There's another odd thing, i have never seen that " snipe " tab ever on any Ebay auction, whether buy it now or otherwise. Is that a new thing ?
  23. S'right mate. Lefty is spot on in that its a cluster f*ck but Ebay has been that way since they become a big force.
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