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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Good for me, but i've never been plagued by this. Regardless of showers or baths, i dont lose the hardened finger skin. Then again, gigging or not, i play every day so the fingers in question never get a chance to soften up. It probably helps that i'm not an animal when plucking strings. Handy i suppose because i've never had to play with a pick, and wouldn't want to, as i detest the sound
  2. Maybe he should have a go at relicing that as well.
  3. I had a similar problem when i was looking for some Status humbuckers and preamp, ( not for a Status ) but the descriptions were not good enough so i phoned and got Dawn. She was fine, but needed to ask Rob, but i got vague answers back from Dawn, presumably relaying what Rob had said. I got nowhere, so i left that option and bought elsewhere. Might be wrong, but i had the feeling i wasnt really spending enough money. If i was commissioning an expensive bass, i guess i may have had a better response, but i cannot prove that. They are a small quality outfit, and maybe i called on a bad day, but we'll never know, since i didnt bother buying in the end
  4. I never got to the bottom of it, because it fixed itself without any changes. Aged was right i think, in that he believed that is wasnt the valve, because the hiss disappeared before i replaced the Ruby with the Sovtek. The only thing i did to the amp was take the lid off, pull the original Ruby valve out, and simply put it back in, but the hiss continued. Sometime before the new valve was fitted, the hiss disappeared. This was whether bass was connected or not ..made no difference.
  5. Looking at the back of the headstock, i would assume anyone that was a woodworm hobbyist would be watching that
  6. You could keep it, just for the crack, like
  7. Back in the victorian era, i was in a 3 piece ( i was drumming then ) and our bassister used an unlined fretless Nightingale bass. It was utterly superb, and looked a million dollars. They're quite rare, so what happened to that monstrosity and how that neck ended up where it has is shameful
  8. She looking for a rich bass player ? I think that maybe a huge misnomer
  9. Yeah i laughed at that too. I'm sure it was a joke
  10. Indeed, but he's a damn fine clock mechanic
  11. Look forward to that too - they've had instruments on there before but they tend to be really old. Accordians and such. Be nice to see a bass on there getting some TLC. Those folk are pretty good at what they do
  12. If you see the guy who repairs clocks, he's from my town, still lives here and was the snake who cheated on his first wife and kids and then dumped them, and then started making a play for my then girlfriend. She fell for the lizard, but she wanted kids and i didnt, so that was ok by me but i knew he was after getting his mitts on her inheritance. Alimony for his previous mrs and 3 kids was killig him. Not long after my ex and him got married, he was off again, cheating with every woman he could. There were loads of them. She was cluless for years, but she got the 2 kids she always wanted. He dumped her eventually - see the pattern?,... but he managed to swipe half her inheritance and relax
  13. Unbelievably, when i was in Morrisons a couple of mumfs back, they played some led Zepp. Ok, probably only liked by the old farts among us ( guilty as charged ) but as Spider said, i;m quick sick of the mindless girl/boy pop pap that permeates most supermarkets.
  14. I'm anaspeptic, phrasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericombobulation.
  15. Well if you a were bit more normal 1 x 45 min set , 30 min break so switch 'em off , another 45 min set, is only 1.5 hours, so they would have plenty of meat left. Doing 3 hours gigs doesnt float my kayak, so the Xvive works a treat for me, but i guess you need something else
  16. Been using these for a couple of years. Full charge with constant use gets about 3 or 3.5 hours play time, so will easily cope with 2 sets and a break. Unless you're Ted Nugent No latency that i can hear, and a fair range and no interference that i've heard https://www.andertons.co.uk/guitar-dept/guitar-wireless-systems/xvive-wireless-guitar-system-in-black
  17. But neither will the next guy , if you sell it without finding the answer. Thats assuming you tell any buyer of the problem. You will of course lost a fair bit selling it with an intermittent fault
  18. I'm sure i read that somewhere
  19. That actually looks like an Overwater Classic Deluxe that someone has mullared. Even the top has what looks like Silly Oak / Lacewood, used on Classic Deluxe basses. I'd be surprised if someone just cobbled that together at home, as most butchers dont have that kind of exotic wood laying around
  20. Well, since BD didnt speak to ya, i suggest buying a bass that does. Simples
  21. I like the look of this bad boy, and would ya know, a pair of Neo mag Entwistle P pups. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brand-New-Revelation-RPBX-Electric-Bass-Guitar-3-Tone-Sunburst-SALE/183765432804?_trkparms=aid%3D555018%26algo%3DPL.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D57478%26meid%3Df8ea12d699bf45619ca5455efb9f1ca5%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D254204770984%26itm%3D183765432804&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851
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