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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. He could let it out as a spare room for extra income. Maybe it could double as an extra cupboard
  2. I really like that. Then again, if they cant answer simple questions, probably get Andy or Jabba to make one. They answer questions
  3. Odge - yes i remember that name too. Thanks for the link mate
  4. @Basvarken Robert P Kearns is so underrated / overlooked in my opinion. His bass lines are right up there with Andy Fraser, Tim Bogert and Jack Bruce if you ask me. I don't post an awful lot here. But I do nose around quite frequently 😉 Couldn't agree more. Can you remember the website where we were chatting many years ago, Rob ? Is it still alive ?
  5. Ha ! Yes, then it is you i have been talking to in the past. I wasnt sure if the website was yours or not, but you posted on there a lot, and have great knowledge of the band and Kearns. I've seen many COL videos on Youtube, some of which you posted , like some unreleased tracks. I fell in love with Brother when it was released many years ago, and Kearns Triumph bass. I never ever had the money for one, though i would love a Triumph. Funny that i have only just seen you on here and yet you have been a member for 7 years
  6. @Basvarken Hey Bas, are you the Dutch guy that had a website dedicated to Rob Kearns ? I seem to remember many years ago talking about Rob to someone with a name just like yours, discussing his music with C.O.L. and his Gibson Triumph ( or Les Paul ) bass.
  7. Maybe we should have played there instead. Our drummist had to issue a threat to the Red Lion landlord, and over the phone too, cos he snuck off out of the pub like the coward he was, and called from a safe distance. Actually, he was probably right. Our drummist had a temper you could photograph
  8. You'll only need 1 x 30 min set if you play the Red Lion In Cropredy, assuming its still the same landlord
  9. Operas have the ability to make me deaf.
  10. Slightly better photo. Have click on it couple of times for the full size .jpg
  11. PS as can be seen , none of the Global switching presets are in use, though i do use the mid-scoop when switching to the FET channel. That doesnt make any difference, because the loud hiss was coming from the tube channel. When i said the FET channel was quieter, its a lot quieter. Have to have ears to the cab to hear any hiss from the FET channel. But having said all that, i wonder whats happened since yesterday - the hiss is now barely audible - i'm about 8ft from the amp right now, tube channel on, and i can only just hear the faintest of hiss. Yesterday it was so loud, i turned the amp off.
  12. These are my settings and the amp has been warming for 10 - 15 mins now and cannot hear any hissing unless i stick my ear to the cab. test done with the knobs set in this photo. no bass connected
  13. @agedhorse 1. Is the amp quiet without using any pedals? Yes, the hiss is loud without any pedals. With the compressor on, its much worse as you mention, but direct into amp, the tube channel has loud annoying hiss. 2. If you are using a lot of treble boost, or if you have the tweeter attenuator all the way up Both treble knobs are off completely. My PJB cabs dont have tweeter attenuators, although they may have tweeters ? Not sure on that - they're PJB C4 - 4x5" - 2 cabs 3. If you are using an active bass, be sure that your battery is good. Some active electronics packages can get very noise as the battery voltage falls. Bass is passive 5. Is the amp quieter with the tone shaping switches disengaged? No 6.With nothing plugged into your amp except the speaker, is the amp quiet with the channel gain, channel volume, master volume and eq all set to the 12:00 position? When switching between the tube channel and the FET channel, it's normal for there to be a just couple dB more noise in the tube channel. The only way to stop the hissing is to wind the channel volume off or master volume off. Doesnt matter where the other knobs are. But that was yesterday Tonight, hissing has almost completely gone. Maybe it needs warming up ? How annoying - wonder whats going now now ? Where do you typically operate the controls?  I'll be back with a photo - much easier
  14. Missed this for some reason Gran, apologies, but going into the amp direct does not make a difference
  15. This may be a tad trickier to play, but it's fabulous once you get it sorted. Timing needs to to be slick. Love that fretless tone
  16. Yup, Jabba and Andy are thre guys in the know
  17. Something to do with a toilet ..?
  18. Something like these - they're about 3mm - ish
  19. Seller is not supplying a roadie, so i'm out https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Trace-elliot-bass-cab-8x10-1084h-Brand-new-with-tags-Very-rare/253086459558?hash=item3aed20e6a6:g:76wAAOSwZKBZM~EA
  20. Yup, rare as rocking horse lips. When i found dodgy pre-shape and graphic in/out switches on my series 5 GP11, i got my amp tech to keep the outer switch covers, just to keep it original, knowing how hard they are to find. To make it a bit worse, my switch covers are TE green, so another reason to keep them. He replaced the switches beneath the covers and it was far from easy apparently. Keeping the original green covers was the problem, but he managed it.
  21. Yup thats him Ricky, horse, not donkey. Apologies if you're reading this AH Spoke to Derek at Watford Valves and a Sovtek 12 AX7WC is on it's way.
  22. Ah, all i heard was you didnt understand the post. You never mentioned about not knowing about Sid, but Skinny to the rescue
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