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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. In my experience of fretless playing, the meat of your finger needs to be behind the fretline, so the side of the fretting finger meets the fretline. Because fingers are quite fat, if you play directly over the the fretline, then part of your fat finger will be behind the line and some past the line, and will make the note sharp. You will also find that the further up the neck you play, this finger position will change slightly, due to the physics of fretless.
  2. Once it's finished, how will you keep it upright ?
  3. You have a start fetish ? Is that what they're calling it these days, Dan ?
  4. Whoa ! Love the missing head, but not the bum note
  5. I bet there's oil under all that gloop. Could be a bargain if you have commercial drilling equipment, or a poor grip on reality
  6. Imagine winding up the treble on your amp, the tweeter on your cab, the tone wound up on your bass, all to the max. The chances are you will probably get some hissing sound. Thats what hissing is, in a nutshell.
  7. So putting Manchester , say, under your avatar means some bottom feeding scumbag will know your exact address and relieve the owner of them there boutique planks ? I think not
  8. Just had a look at mine and yes i have the social blocking option. What does that do in the real world Silvia ?
  9. Aha, i dont know what that is and so dont use it, so good that you found the reason. I'm still on win 8.1 with FF
  10. PS if that body finishes up the shape and size of the vintage Overwater, then Roksan do a rather nice quality padded bag for them, and they happen to follow the shape. Wunjos had them in stock a few months ago
  11. You could be goalkeeper for the the England squad. What a save !
  12. I used adblock with Firefox and still see the share icon, right next to the report post option Are you using a different browser ?
  13. What's your recommended preamp valve, either 12 AX7 / ECC83 ?
  14. Damn - shoulda stuck this in technical
  15. My Shuttlemax 9.2 is hissing like sid on the tube channel, but oddly, ( or not ? ) kicking in the compressor on my Zoom B3 increases this a lot. In fact i tried 4 different compressors on the Zoom to see if it was one in particular , but they all did it. There's a lot less hissing sid on the FET channel. The hissing on the tube channel is loud enough to be annoying, and as said above, the compressor kicking it makes it even more so. There's a guy on TB ( think its AgedDonkey or something ) who does Genz support and have read that he thinks this could be a dodgy valve. First trick to try was re-seating but that did nothing. Next is to replace it, which i think is next on the list. It has the stock Ruby 12AX7 Select in it right now. I shall give Watford Valves a bell and see what he recommends - any body swapped there's out , perchance ?
  16. Could it be made a condition of selling stuff then ? Maybe? No one can post without a price, so why not make it another condition of selling.
  17. Cant remember when i last saw neg comments in For Sale threads. The biggest faux pas seems always to be the lack of location. IMO, this should be compulsory and listed on the left under Avatars
  18. I would like to see a ban on guitards gurning. Fabulous work though, from all of 'em
  19. Superb. Not easy to cover LZ tracks, and having seen LZ do No Quarter live back in the 70's, i'd be the first to knock a bad rendition, but this was stunning. The singer especially had the hairs on the neck whistling. Great crew all round Well done for finding this
  20. Somewhere, there's a Kayak missing an essential tool
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