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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Noted ! But hells bells, that wood held 8 litres of water. Staggering
  2. Am i the only one that's astonished at Jabba's wood losing a 3rd of it's weight just drying out ? Dear cliff !!
  3. Would something like Format Factory convert them ok ? I use FF for a lot of stuff, including vid files
  4. Seen SB so know how good he is but the keysman and drummist are unkowns to me, but they were fabulous. The drummist is tight as a nun's chuff. Asbolootly marv.
  5. I've reported this to Officer Dibble.
  6. Little bit of info - worth reading https://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/wood/wood-month/holly-beautiful-toxic
  7. Ha! I could have just looked throught the wanted ads myself
  8. Well, that kind of scuppers the new search function. I tried 3 times to find the member, and drew a blank
  9. Just did a member search and no name like that comes up ?
  10. Calling it the Elastic Search is a bit of a stretch of the imagination
  11. In that piccy, your'e looking into the mind of a maniac - it's howwible i tell ya. Howibble
  12. Time to boycott the w*nker. It seems obvious to me that pre-sale, he's communicating, but the moment he has your money, its silence. That to me spells con man
  13. Got the T-shirt. I had a 2 bar fire , remember them ? ( we're back to the early 70's now ) and i switched it on and the elements didnt glow red as per normal. So i thought i'd tap the elements to see if it was bad connection. I used a dinner fork. I realised this was a bad idea when i ended up sliding upside down, on the opposite wall , after being hurled at it
  14. The answer has been pretty much nailed by everyone, so i can only confirm. You're not a tribute band where accuracy is paramount. Our band is a plain old covers band, but in the funk-ish genre, and i dont get anywhere near playing every note as it was recorded. Funk bass has hundreds of the bustards, and i'd be here growing older by the bass clef trying to figure them out. As has been said, landmark bass lines are needed..... think " MONEY " by Pink Floyd. Can t really put your own take on that, but other than landmark bass lines in a song, just get the feel and flick a few of your own notes and personality into it. Job done.
  15. Me and Teebs escaped the great avatar slaughter of 4/19. I assume there's other survivors
  16. Some of us are blessed , ME
  17. Blimey Chris, you should keep the melty face, ya good looking oik
  18. Hah , yeah just spotted the shadow and looks like a low B
  19. Nah, still there CJ. Just had a looksie
  20. Dont mention my indescretion with Trudi
  21. Come on, who the hell likes jazz. She'll spot that rookie mistake
  22. Chillski outski. It'll get sorted soonski
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