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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Cocoblowlow is one of my fave woods. Stunning
  2. I was thrown by that coating if you remember. Looks much better with it striped off
  3. Indeed Andy, its great to see recycling. I am asbo lootly useless at bass mods, so i was never going to do anything with it. By the way Pete, you'll be pleased to know that the neck is an ex Retrovibe off a Jazz/P bass that was 1 of only 2 white J/P's built by Retrovibe ...who i believe are now called Chowny ? It very well built and really, too good to just practice on
  4. Guffaw and chortle https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/340055-calling-bubinga5/
  5. I wouldnt get hung up on having Orange Drops. There's a lot of snake oil surrounding caps, so just buy the right tolerance for your needs, rather than a name
  6. He's playing a 4 string mr solo , do you mean you play a 5 string ?
  7. I would have told her that i obtained the bass free of charge through a complicated and clever scam. She would have been well pleased with that
  8. Been using Adblock for years and AB + and dont see the problems others here have. No AWOL avatar either. They call me golden bo**cks
  9. Partysounds is closing but they have a new site in Arsebook
  10. I just found myself married to Anastasia , and it only cost her 10 grand. She paid her expenses. Счастливые дни !! Ypa !
  11. Am i just lucky ? Or is it cos i is the long arm of the law ? I rarley see ads, ( Firefox ) and my Av simply stayed where it is. I got the cookie box thingy wotsit but thats about it. < smug mode off >
  12. Seems to be working ok Mykey https://www.cortguitars.com/product/list.php?ca_id=103030
  13. PS scuse the blood on my arm. They were really going for it. The nurse at my local surgery is used to my arms and has no trouble. These guys were like SAS rejects
  14. It was a real pleasure working with ya, matey ! As for today, bit unusal to have a CT Scan at 7pm in the evening, in fact it was 2 as i had a normal and a contrast where they inject fluid for the 2nd scan. They weren't a problem but the injections were. I got the veins of a woman and they couldnt get the needles in. The harder it is, the harder they push so they really hurt. They tried right arm first, then left hand, then left arm. I've been severely pricked, people
  15. Quite right Eude, great job done by Andy and the woods are gorgeous - even more so in the flesh
  16. Slightly better full frontal ...roswood boards dont like flash much , so i see. Makes 'em look a bit weird
  17. Did Dr. Frankensteins monster lose his ?
  18. I reckon black hardware would have worked nicely with this too, but i already had the bridge, so it would have been an uneccessary expense
  19. Nah, Canadian maple and Rosewood board and fillet. I wouldnt lick it - its full of Andy oil
  20. It be this .. Series / Parallel Hum cancelling / Single coil with 3 posish switch 250k + 500k switchable
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