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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. PS the bass is slightly cropped as i couldnt stand far enough back to get it all in the frame For the photographers amongst us, my gear was a full frame Nikon D610 ( body currently on here for sale if you is interested ) + a spiffing Tamron 90mm f2.8 Macro lens and Meike Speedlite SB950 MKll flash
  2. Thanks chappies. Yup, a wee bit unusual, but then so am i Andy did a quick record on his phone while he was here, so if he posts it, i guess the quality might be suspect , (as my playing will be, ) due to the limitations of mobiles, unless Andy has a real beast of an iPhone or something !
  3. Well then, after some two-ing and fro-ing with Andy via messaging and telepathy, the wonderful Andy dropped my Nemesis bass off today on his way to a pluck and slap fest bass bashing, so thanks for the detour Andy. How refreshing to put a face ( albeit one only a mother could love ) to reams of text over the months. What a lovely chap. Mr friendly, mr patient, mr craftsman. So, without further ado, and i guess if you've been a nosy bustard and stuck your hooter in the build threads, you've probably already seen it, so this could be a bit of a zzzzzzzzz for some. Or maybe not .. but here in all it's glory. Notice i didnt say ' she ' ... It's a bass and it's inanimate, guv For anyone who missed the spec : Aaron Armstrong custom build pup. Series / Parallel Hum cancelling / Single coil with 3 posish switch 250k + 500k switchable Schaller 3 way adjustable Unknown Tuners / buttons / string tree Last piece of English Walnut cut down many many moons ago by Scrumpy Mike's good buddy Merv. ( top face ) African Sapele ( back face ) Purpleheart Sandwich filler ( from Tesco finest range ) Pupleheart pup cover ( which AA built the pup into ) Purpleheart control cover Sapele ( i think ) knobs with Purpleheart caps and abalone or mop markers Weight 4.05 KG I thought my Rally Basso had a fab tone, but this has topped it. Quiet a variable tone monster considering it's a single pupper EDIT : forgot a full frontal.....
  4. I doused mine in Ronson lighter fluid, flicked a Swan Vesta match at the monstrosity, and said an incantation as the fecker melted Good fecking riddance
  5. 10k should be pretty good, when you consider that jazz basses have less than that. Maybe they're wired out of phase ?
  6. Thanks guys ! Not the worst illness on the planet and the op is just in and out in a day. Wah, that sounds all wrong ..
  7. Was Howard Goodall, and he himself is a superb musician. He deconstructed Peppers like a demon, and you wouldnt believe how inventive the whole band were, but espesh Mac and Lennon , and of course the genius that was George Martin. All this prior to the digital trickery we have today. It was mind boggling
  8. I may well be AWOL but for a 2nd reason ... been rather ill over the last couple of weeks, Andy knows about it Talking of probing, i'm getting a CT Scan probe on Sunday evening . Strange, i didnt know you could could get that sort of treatment at 7.20 pm at night. Perhaps The Horton General do things differently
  9. Thanks Michael I have no problem being probed by a weird being
  10. You take a nice photo Andy - maybe Aaron would like some more
  11. Great photo Mike and the last of that Merv wood has gone to a good home, thanks to Andy
  12. That probably works beautifully for acoustic guitar builders ( Martin, Fylde, Taylor etc ) but i;m with Al K on this. Once pickups and preamps and what not get involved, most ot that wood tone becomes much less prevalent in the overall tone. Yes there's an effect, but nowhere near those of an acoustic instrument
  13. Jolly good Hiscocks, and consider yourself demoted to Chief EDIT PS, thats Sir Inspector to you, sonny jim
  14. Also a veggie going on 35 years + and i got mine second hand ( and free ) by mistake ! I would never pay such a ridiculous £88 for a strap
  15. 5 currently, but one will be hoofed into the skip soon. Of the keepers, this is my fave ... it's a beastly 4" and unbelievably comfortable https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/208644801/wide-guitar-strap-bass-guitar-strap?ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-4&frs=1
  16. Go ahead Andy. I'm going to be using it as a Croquet Bat on it's days off
  17. Not an issue really, just a bit of curiousity on my behalf, but why lock a wanted thread ? One can only PM in the wanted section anyway and even the OP cannot reply to their own post . Also, one can still PM despite the lock. ?
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