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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Funny really, but the reason i ended up calling Aaron was the fact that i had trouble finding a single pickup in the criteria i had in my head, which was a narrow soapbar single coil / hum cancelling. I simply couldnt buy one pickup, either Barts or Nordstrands and various other top qwoll pups, so ended up speaking to Aaron. Man's a legend, and doesnt hang about either. I also specified a tad more output and low mids
  2. Nice work Andy , just lovely Eude, i specified Aaron to make me a single coil / series hum cancelling / parallel hum cancelling in a narrow soapbar. Took him about 4 days ..brilliant
  3. The defect being that bluddy great letter D stamped on the back
  4. Then again, i like the over indulgence of photos, all taken from the same angle. Clever
  5. Its not an illusion, i really am barely hanging on
  6. He's trying to start Ibanez fever, just like Fender bits now enjoy, with mugs paying stupid prices
  7. I've owned one and speak from experience, and yes they were. Banana necks R us
  8. I reckon that would be right up my quality street
  9. So T-Rex is becoming extinct ?
  10. Cheers lemmy - i was looking much further up the neck
  11. Sounds like they're in the same quality group as Satellite copies
  12. I dont see any D stamped on them, but then agan i'm as blind as a fruitbat
  13. Thats them lemmy ! Blimey guv, i didnt know they were the same. Mine never head the word Neutrik stamped on them, just the other word. Great info though
  14. Just to add after reading Ashdown's post above, the Speakon sockets on my ( now sold ) Markbass cabs were some other name like Lichenstein or something similar, although the cables all had Neutriks
  15. Wasnt a fan of the band or Flint, till he got involved in Superbike racing. Respect went way up. Shame indeed
  16. I wouldnt mind taken that fretless for a quick spin
  17. That was mesmerising to watch and utterly brilliant
  18. That was weirdly fascinating. Never seen anything like it ! clever stuff
  19. Likewise . I have 2 of the C4's and they're not even the C4 lites, and can carry 1 in each hand. Driven by a 9.2 shuttlemax. No probs
  20. PJB C4 Power 400 W Dimensions 14.2 x 12.4 x 13.4 inch / 360 x 320 x 340 mm Weight 29lbs / 13.1 kg
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