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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I was thinking the same, but AFAIK, Andy didnt have a full width piece ( or matched 2 piece ) Purple H to cover the whole front. I would have gone for that otherwise. Still, that Purple sandwich is going to look stupendous.
  2. You have made a mistake by assuming 10's have " quicker response " as you call it. There's no such thing. It depends entirely on the manufacturer as to what any speaker reproduces and how it does that. You can get flabby 10's and tight 15's and so on. Surely you will only be changing the cabs because of the tone you desire. Only 7 kg ( 3.5kg per cab ) is not worthing dumping your MB cabs for. Tone wise, if you prefer Bergs, then that is the best reason to change. If the Bergs were half the weight, i could understand , but they're not half the weight. Stacking vertical is your best option for dispersion and getting the cabs nearer your ear. Adding extra cabs of identical nature , or removing indentical cabs, ususally affects the amount of air you can shift , rather then gaining or losing bottom end.
  3. The 130 TNT is an 80 watt combo, unless you add a 2nd 8 ohm cab.
  4. I'd say the same as the OP. No old fretlines, so they weren't defretted. There's no epoxy coating either. The shine is just down to years of playing which ended up putting a vague shine on the board. Stage lights will make it look shinier than it is
  5. Not sure why, but it reminds me a tad of an old Burns Bison thats had some very * tasty mods done * Did i say tasty ? Beg your pardon. I meant utter shyte
  6. Its hard to imagine, looking at the thickness of the purple on sapele, how it could move at all, let alone curve. As a layman, i'd say if it was that easy for the glued pieces to curve one way, a vicious clamping could turn it back from whence it came
  7. Indeed, younger and better looking than Willis. I think i've redeemed myself
  8. It's a whopper. I've emailed the guy and told him he has a Mag 4 not a Mag 2 and had a thank you response , but as he states in his added description, he couldnt change the title, which i think is because once it has bids on, he cannot do, but can add an addendum at the bottom of the page, which he has done
  9. Oh much laughage ! He'd get more money doing stand up
  10. The same happened when i bought some Entwistle Neos, and the magnets got close and ipso facto, i more or less needed a crow bar.
  11. It wasn't me. I swear on my pet Camel, Ivan
  12. Its a Magnum 4, not a Magnum 2 as he states. I owned a Mag 3 and it has regular pots, but the 4 had the all singing dancing mahoojits Mags 1 and 2 were the oddball shape. Flat eric of these forums has one on his website http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/2011/10/ovation-magnum-bass.html
  13. Pups look like humbuckers, but they're really single coils , aren't they ? Not sure, just i remember reading somewhere
  14. Find the owner that done those mods, and stick him with a cattle prod. And then another prod. And one more
  15. fleabag


    That Alembic copy looks awesome
  16. That Eng Walnut is as beautiful as the Purpleheart. Hell , even the Sapele is good looking Great choice of woods, as it turns out
  17. fleabag


    Kerchiiiing ! https://thebassgallery.com/collections/bass-new-arrival/products/wilkes-bass-custom-fretless
  18. I did a hertz listening test and i got as far as 11,000 Hz and that was it. I think if one were 18 years old, one might get to hear 20,000 hz but this disappears over the years. Bit off topic , soz
  19. Def. looking like a bass body now. And yes, i'd love that Purple as the main wood, but when done, we have sandwich to look at, the pup cover and the neck, when it's also done. It's all good. yeehar
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