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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. That sounds like a great idea AJ. Stuff that strip in sir.
  2. Ta padre. Lets have a VR pint
  3. fleabag


    When i first saw Doug in the photos, i thought a homeless guy had wandered into shot. He's a great guitar builder , some great touches in his work
  4. I thought they weren't interesting enough to leave 'em. Planned to just post them for a day, and 45 people must have had an earbashing , according to the stats, but since it's you asking, father, no probs sir The top one is not the band, just a fretless demo of my ESP recorded with a guitar and keyboard wielding pal. The rest is the band - and yup, we're really called What The Funk. This was the chosen name of our singer, Jane. Tut tut Jane
  5. Having said what i said, there are exceptions, and of course, personal preferences, so it's not gospel by any means
  6. Perhaps some of the people posting Wanted ads here could follow that rule. A simple " no thanks " would be good manners instead of reading the message of an offer on their Wanted post and then ignoring the whole thing. That's happened countless times. Sheer ignorance
  7. Definately input gain first, find the clip point and then back off till no clip. Then adjust main volume for what is required. Adjusting the EQ could ( depending on what you adjust ), push the input gain to trigger the clip again, so in that case, just keep backing off the input gain to pre-clip, ( with the EQ set the way you like ) and adjust main volume again
  8. Sweet as I know we chatted about what Aaron needed in pup cover depth, but of course, ( which i forgot ) the pickup always sits proud to some degree, of the body, so routing depth doesnt have to match pup cover depth. I'm a bit slow sometimes
  9. Oooh nice. ! So what , in the end, will be the final thickness ?
  10. Shake 'em baby, shake 'em real good. Sounds like a song ?
  11. Ricky, you missed some dodgy band and recorded rehearsals 🤓 Bum notes, dodgy vocals and poor timings all left in, eau naturale
  12. Due to popular demand, from 1 person, they're posted below.
  13. I've sent serveral cabs in the post, though only to UK mainland, but as with all couriers, you have to pack for the lowest common denominator. In other words, those that dont care.. dropping it , etc. For cardboard, and i mean that hefty stuff that barely bends, i use my local fridge / freezer / cooker shop, who throw their cardboard into a skip, and are happy to have some taken away, as they pay for removal, and anything taken means they get more in. I've used them umpteen times, and they also have some serious polystyrene slabs that the white goods arrive with, as well as that industrial cardboard. So bubble wrap first, double cardboard on all corners and edges, then cardboard all round. Also, duct tape is better than packing tape.
  14. Oh they will, no probs
  15. Looking good enough to eat already, Andy bloke
  16. I'd take a photo of the stickers and email that
  17. Rolls off the tongue better than ' Warwick Warwick Warwick '
  18. Ouch. So, how much to build a whole bass from Snakewood
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