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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. ooooh, i did say to him a couple of times his notes sound wrong, but i ended up doubting my notes on the rundown because he told me more than once his were the right notes. What is strange is that no one else in the band said those notes sound wrong. I was the only one, so i guessed that i was tone deaf
  2. GENZ BENZ shutllemax 9.2 Such goodness. Perfect for my 2 x PJB C4's
  3. We're currently working on this, and it's pretty much finished. It's just that the keys man thinks i should be playing different notes to the ones i've chosen on a 5 second run down in the track. It's from 1:47 to 1:52 ....it's just 7 single notes for me on bass. I did accept the keys man knows his stuff, so figured i was wrong, but the chosen notes dont all sound correct. I think 1 or 2 seem out. Starts on D string 4th fret F# .... F# G A G F# E then A string 3rd fret C I was playing .. starting on D string F# F# G A F# E D then A string 3rd fret C I even think mine are incorrect
  4. PS Zappa fans, if you didnt know who the genius was who did City Of Tiny Lights stunning claymation, it was Bruce Bickford http://www.brucebickford.com/
  5. Tricky wording then.. he described it as a Precision Bass, rather than a precision instrument. Maybe he's not a bass player
  6. I would say the legality of it is on very thin ice. For a start, he's trying to sell something he doesn't own. I would imagine that would be against the law .. ? I'm sure the owners of the bass would not be too happy either
  7. Nah, just another ebay joker who's not actually as funny as they think they are. Just another zzzzzzzzzzzzz from me
  8. Apologies.. had to post The Slime track. Got one of my all time fave lead guitar wails . Even his lead git work was unique
  9. Overnight Sensation is the killer. I must have had that for over 35 years in one form or another. It was my first intro to the world of FZ Then there's Hot Rats, Zoot Allures, Sheik Yerbouti, Live at the Filmore, Shut Up And Play Yer Guitar ... etc etc Wild stuff
  10. He pushed some boundaries when i saw him live at Hammersmith. But that's what he did. He was a composer, ( hated being called a rock star - he was way above that ) , was anti-drugs, and a complicated , anti-establishment figure. And although some dont get him ( understandable when you take a listen to 200 Motels ) i thought he was monstrously good. I wont be going to see the current show, as i remember him when he was alive and in the flesh, and it was a sad day when prostate cancer took another victim.
  11. Summed up Bob Gobshite in a nutshell, and that awful ditty too.
  12. Wrap your emails in some tasty rum truffle choccies
  13. https://www.ebay.com/itm/BASS-COLLECTION-Fretless-Precision-Bass-Made-in-Japan-With-Hard-Case-/183612501490
  14. This , in a nutshell, but in a Fiesta Red, maple neck and maple fretboard
  15. Although not mine, i have access to my guitar mate's Bass Collection P Bass. Everytime we messa round with tracks and whatnot, i can use the BC P. It's very nice, i must say
  16. You may not have any problems that plagued the standard models. Yours is a limited, so they may have gone the extra mile. Especially since it has the SD party pack. I assume they're factory fitted and not been swapped out by any previous owners
  17. Nothing wrong with the tone of that rig. Very nice, i say. Great playing too, Enrico.
  18. At least i know what to avoid in the future. Very handy list 🤓
  19. You can buy Mojo straight off the shelf these days. Bleuugggghhhhh
  20. Old Satellite , possibly 80's , P Bass with banana neck. Horrible piece of bonfire ingredient
  21. Quite right sir. I only want to drill once ( or twice to be correct ) so i'll rig something up where i can hang the strap, and then find the balance
  22. I'll decide that when the bass is in my hands and i can experiment
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