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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. The top bass looks almost like the Mocha colour P they did some time back
  2. Looking like a bass , Andy I dont mind if only the A and D strings run along the fretboard. Unique , i'd call it
  3. Wouldnt fit in the van, teebs. Good try though
  4. They cannot lob any parcels up to me. I'm 2 floors up and dont have a balcony. Mind you, why would that stop them...?
  5. I knew there was something about that tune ! I was thinking something along the lines of a horror theme, but yes, thats the Munsters of sorts. Actually, i suppose Dangerman came out first, so the Munsters sounds a bit like Dangerman but i digress...thanks for clearing that up
  6. A power box isnt an FX pedal. I didnt say no more gear. I said no more pedals. Maybe the odd bass here or there. I dont like whammies, and i have a choice of at least 3 compressors in the zoom. The extension cable is fine. All power supplies ( when unplugged ) and extension lead, when coiled up, all lay in the case. I dont need a power box, as i only have 3 power supplies. 1 power supply does the Boss, 1 power supply does the Zoom, and 1 power supply does all 3 single peddles.
  7. Probably, but i dont know everyone, so maybe.
  8. Now the FX board has been finalised ... no more pedals. Thats it, i've had enough of buying , selling, buying, selling pedals to last me a lifetime This is it
  9. That Kramer looks ace. Those other 2 are the love children of Beelzebub. Then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Easily removed with Sinex. or is it Optrex ?
  10. Its a minefield for sure. Refuse bin bags - a huge deal. The council here gave out degradeable plastic bags for our food waste. Trouble was, they lasted a few days. I maybe managed to get a bit of veg and fruit cores in before it disintegrated. I simply wasn't throwing away food waste quick enough. So the bags, though a good idea for maybe a big family that could fill them in a couple of days, they were no good for me who would only be throwing food waste every couple of weeks. Nowdays, i use a 5 gallon plastic bucket with a lid. It came from a bucket of bird feed balls i bought for the birds here, and when empty, decided to keep it in case i could make use of it... and i did The lid came in handy. Man, waste food stinks
  11. I'm not sure really .. the bags i have been using for years , 1 was from M&S and 1 from Aldis. The M&S one is a kind of rafia or something, part plastic maybe, but incredibly tough and i still use it after many years, and the Aldis one seems to be mad of a sack like material and just as sturdy , thought the M&S rafia seems to be the toughest. I got given them both, so dont know what they cost originally. Maybe they were giving them away ? But pricing . ...one use v lifebag. Tricky
  12. I bought the live album The Road Goes Ever On . The track lasts 17 minutes. It's a beaut. Love Felix's bass / basslines
  13. The reason for them being £1 is that more people would likely stop forgetting to take bags. The more something costs, the more likely you are to take note. Like i said, 5p doesnt bother anyone that much Psychology No.1
  14. There was a Mock Turtles band member called Doug ?
  15. Still, i would like to see them rise to £1
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