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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Rings a bell. That name that began with an M was a short name like Wolf, maybe 5 letters. Mateus ? Nah thats a bottle of vino collapso, but it was something like that.
  2. Dont search for any modern Chris Glen & Friends stuff on YT. It was attrocious
  3. Thanks NFF Very similar to the bass i mentioned with the wrong name. Just cannot remember it's correct name though. Pretty sure it began with an M. I wonder if they actually changed their name at some point to Wolf Mind you, that Wolf bass. Good luck getting a case for it. Would have to be a DIY job
  4. Looks more like a P body with an MM stuck in it. I've seen that fretboard 2 tone thing on some basses on Ebay a few years ago but cannot remember the exact name. Something similar to Matiz, although i know that's not it. They seemed to be well made too
  5. Concur mr lemmy. I liked them so much when they were being sold everywhere, that i bought one of the bigger bass cases many moons ago and it's still my main carry case. I have more than one bass, and even though i also have more than one case, its the TP that gets used all the time
  6. Doctor Preston at your service - please enter and take a seat. What seems to be the problem ?
  7. I think he's just got the decimal point in the wrong places on price AND postage. Mind you, he can alter them, if he wishes. I like it though, so i'l make him an offer of £9.000
  8. Prescription bass Perhaps the seller is a doctor
  9. What a band, and what a shame about Ted. Here , SAHB fans - a wee treat
  10. Or even crustaceans. ... oh, i get it.
  11. Tribal Planet semi-hard case ( matron , again ) These are the best non hard case for guitars anywhere, so it's weird that they seemed to have disappeared off the planet ( sic ) They're half the weight of a full hard case, but twice the protection of a soft bag. Plus a huge amount of extra storage. It was still in it's delivery packaging but had to rip it all off to take the photos. Bought for project that never happened Probably not econmical to post, but if you want it, i will, at cost.
  12. And for the whole kit and caboodle, minus decent pickups and decent active pre.. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GD309-Electric-Bass-Jazz-DIY-Guitar-Kit-ASH-BODY-Kits-for-Luthier-Projects-Great/162615031576?epid=2156519805&hash=item25dc9c7718:g:0roAAOSwGzxZglMX
  13. Indeed ! And a bargain of a jazz body here - Sapele is a lovely wood https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Guitar-Body-Jazz-Sapele-2pc-3-12kg-MG108/113021067599?hash=item1a5094a14f:g:rK8AAOSwPGpbCszS
  14. There's also a no name neck , but only because the seller has covered it up with a bit of tape https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jazz-bass-style-neck/143097971842?hash=item21514dc482:g:4IYAAOSwuytcRNSe
  15. The last J Retro sold on Basschat was £75. Bargain if that ebay one goes for that Also, ... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GEDDY-LEE-REPLICA-JAZZ-BASS-MAPLE-NECK-FULLY-LOADED-READY-TO-FIT-GO/392219800491?hash=item5b521f33ab:g:gIoAAOSwTxJcRJaS
  16. I thought our man was going for new, but yes, used will certainly cut down on those prices. Probably doable for the budget, if rob is patient Not always easy to get those pre's and pups used - and Rich is right about used prices for JE pre's and decent pups. But, ya never know
  17. Er..... naw. If the wood of the body is decent, i prefer to see the wood ( matron ) If it's cheapo wood, then a single colour will do for me, but YMMV, naturally
  18. Are you talking about buying off the shelf or having your no name bass built by someone. ? JE active pre... £200 - ish Excellent pups .. £180 - £200 Your budget is nearly finished by then
  19. PS we need to know what's coming your way, otherwise i'm bubbling you to the feds
  20. Oh my. See what you mean. Amongst all the other monstrosities in that build, check the rather poor fitting of the pickup cover. Those gaps round it - world war 1 trench ? Attrocious. So is the price
  21. Well yeeehar. Wider , always is my philosophy So go wide young skywalker. Besides, i have a rather volumous bag...and it's not mrs bag, in case you were asking , thats biggger, and taller, than any of my bass cases. It's a Roksan padded affair and adequate for anything longer and wider than normal 34" scale bass.
  22. Where's that confounded bridge ? I beg your pardon - that was Led Zep
  23. Pretty much how we do it, even though we're a covers band. Any input from anyone is ok, if the majority reckon it's an enhancement to the song
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