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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Sheila E - fab. Were we even discussing her at band rehearsals this evening. Class indeed
  2. Yeah good prog. But i am a fan of SC's tubbing. Tight as a Mallards chuff. Listen to The Police - Next To You
  3. I only know that i wouldnt join the pay band. That music is all over the place. There's absolutely no genre to speak of, unlike your other band of electric pop, which you will know exactly what you're gonna get. What type of audience is the pay band trying to please ..or attract ?
  4. I love the A/E bass , i just dont know much about them. The HMT above seems to have a very different headstock to the A/E
  5. This is an HMT https://www.elderly.com/fender-hmt-late-1980-s-early-90-s.htm
  6. It's hard to imagine just how huge that neck is, front to back. That thing is like a broken pencil. Pointless
  7. The only famous chaps i saw before they were famous were Jakko Jakszyk and Joe Jackson. Not even sure if their bands stayed together, so it maybe just Jakko and Joe himself that became famous. Anyways, myself and some buddies wandered into a pub in Gosport ( i used to live in {Portsmouth ) and there was a great band on, called Arms and Legs. We didnt know they were playing at the time, just a lucky shot And the same with Jakkos band back in the day. I was living in Oxford after Portsmouth ( and Southsea as well ) and used to go to The Corn Dolly a lot, in Oxford. There was a band playing called The 64 Spoons. Strange crew .. but entertaining
  8. Billy Preston ! Dammit another of my faves i forgot. And Nicky Hopkins Listen to the awesome keys on the Stones " Goats Head Soup " Both Hopkins and Preston were magic
  9. Interesting to see you're using a Warman UK built MM clone. I have one in my accessories draw that i fitted to one of the Vintage MM basses. The used a Wilkinson, IIRC. I dumped it in favour of the Warman, and it was way better. When i sold the bass , i put the Wilky back in and kept the Warman for a later project, which hasn't happened. Booo
  10. .. and then kick the guitards butt
  11. Brilliant - our band does a cover of that very Lamarr cover of Curtis Mayfield
  12. Never drink out of an empty glass
  13. Oooh, and a bit of funk, and a bit of jazzy funk and a smidge of prog ( i hear people spitting ). You forgot those mr Bolo
  14. The song, you must serve, young Luke
  15. Finding a chit hot drummer, and what a miracle it is when one turns up. Really tigthens up your playing, especially if you thought you were on the ball beforehand, with lesser drummists A good drummer will expose sloppy playing ( so i discovered many moons ago )
  16. I doze off if someone speaks to me about disposable chart pap, rap, metal, classic rock, punk, brit poop, c+w , trad blues, big band , trad jazz, reggae As you can see, i just dont like music
  17. Oh - I love fretless but i've got bills coming up. Need another car, and there's a custom bass in the very near future. Fretless is also the least of my basses i play, so it's on the transfer list. There'll even be another bass , fretted, to sell after this as well
  18. The reverse would have been better. Hated the playing, loved the bass
  19. Reduced to £250. No reductions after this. Postage around £25
  20. ooh good shot. But tell the sneaky mofo why.
  21. Either seem an acquired taste
  22. Prefer skateboards to pencils or clothes pegs
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