If you think that's overboard Phil, spare a lumbar though for a Peavey BVX 1x15 cab i used to have. Something in the region of 22mm and big size, even for a 1x15
I couldnt even give it away. It's in the public recycling depot now
I wonder if the protection circuit is slightly dicky. It's obviously an amp that gets played by all and sundry and may have suffered abuse in it's time .. perhaps
Yeah i had me doubts, due to only 2 of you sound checking. Pretty bizarre - vibration maybe , tricking the amp into protect mode, assuming it has one ?
Does the venue have a volume cutout ? I've gigged in venues where the band volume kept triggering a DB meter and that was linked to killing the PA
Mind you, i guess thats not it, when it was just you and a drummer, so i dunno
They're cheap as chips. New, less than £200 - perhaps the discrepancy in his pricing is based on it being " early " whatever that means.
Not sure why he listed at £88 on Nastybay, though