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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. No need, as i've stumbled on some very sweet English Walnut, and we'll be off and running in the new year.
  2. Nah danny - both Aguilars , and analogue
  3. Cheers MBA - just saves buying a 2nd supply
  4. I'm wondering if i can use one power supply ( 9v regulated ) to power 2 pedals, using a Y splitter cable. As long as the milliamp draw on the supply is enough for what the pedals need, would this be ok ? I'm wondering whether 1 PS can still be regulated if i connect 2 9v pedals to it, with slightly different milliamp consumption
  5. Bought a pedal off of Crawford and it was in the post 1st class next day. A gentleman for sure. Cheers fella
  6. yeah that might be better option. I just used a standard MM clone, so no real versatility
  7. I did this a while ago. Didnt sound like a Jazz
  8. And he's from Essex. A proper geezer IMO
  9. Probably. Haven't yet seen a woman with one. Maybe i need to get out more 🤓
  10. Every woman bass player avoided bidding on it, i see. Then again, so did all the men bass players. What a nob
  11. This a bit of a read, but some of the tests on caps have audio with them. Sounds like a guitar rather than a bass, and the audio is nothing to write home about, but there ya go http://zerocapcable.com/?page_id=224
  12. Why not just get a new bridge - you wont save much or indeed anything at all just buying barrels https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Chrome-Block-Style-4-String-Bass-Guitar-Bridge-Assembly-57mm-String-Pitch/263864124132?hash=item3d6f8702e4:g:WJwAAOSwat5baV2r
  13. Fancy a giggle ? Check the price here .... https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/orange-4-stroke-500-bass-amp-head?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_4jgBRDhARIsADezXcipcD-L0b8eZrLp1cRmlvbpFpPnCanQ2cGU2Rq4meTdISymMKNL4PkaAnUQEALw_wcB Then check the price here ... https://kytary.co.uk/orange-4-stroke-500/HN190039/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA_4jgBRDhARIsADezXcjpf7ooFwq0_KGous8jly14JOiAFL8ZiITkRrQ-jgXJ_njnqBR3OfsaAjqhEALw_wcB
  14. Nurse !!!! Kleenex for Pete, now
  15. TDK ST-450 5 metre lead !! Also it's own volume control. Great phones too
  16. Assuming the units are 8 ohms Build four 2x10 cabs. A 4x10 is a weighty beast , and these days most ( maybe not all ) want cabs they can put in a carrier bag and take to gigs. You could keep 2 cabs so you could have one 8 ohm cab for small gigs and two cabs for a 4 ohm ( assuming your amp can do 4 ohms) monster gig and sell the other two 8 ohm cabs. I think 2x10's will be easier to sell than a 4x10
  17. Things just got weirder. Has he been smokin cabbage or something ? Let's have a basschat whip round and send him to a rubber room for a few months
  18. He's gone way overboard with his description. How many are going to know what a bs template is ? Twaht
  19. Feck the punters is what i'm hearing. Logistics ? Bah bluddy humbug.
  20. Once owned by Salavdor Dali. It's worth £3 .75 just for that provenence
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