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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I need to dig out a magnifying glass from somehere as the stampings are tiny. I cannot see them even with my reading glasses
  2. Anyone know how to determine what type of switch is ON-ON ? I have several mini switches in my parts box and i'm trying to choose one that is ON-ON. I'm ignoring one that has 3 positions ( is that ON-OFF-ON ? ) Also ignoring one that is sprung in both directions, meaning it doesnt stay in position, rather it springs back to the centre I'm guessing that it needs only 2 positions. I've found one of those, and it has 6 lugs underneath. Would that be the one i want ?
  3. I have limited knowledge of old vintage brass bridges, but one i know for sure, was the '80s Aria SB basses. But they used very narrow string gauge, something 16.5 mm That could well be too narrow for you and too narrow for a P bass ( if that's what you play ) and the strings probably wont line up over the P pickup poles Having said that, they're as rare as chicken molars to find. Most people dont strip then off their vintage Aria SB axes
  4. There's these guys https://www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk/ And this guy Contact Armstrong Pickups Unit 31 Old Surrenden Manor, Bethersden, Ashford, Kent TN26 3DL Telephone: 01233 822120 There's more than these though. I expect some other recommendations soon from the BC collective
  5. Back in the days of cheques, we were all giving our bank details away to stangers whenever we wrote a cheque. There's no scam in that respect. PP, yes ... but they're not involved. The only thing i would say to anyone coming to your house to pick up pricey equipment, is that you will only let one person into your home. If they turn up with more than one, they stay outside in the car.
  6. The sun is in my imagination ...sorry !! Dull and wet here in Oxfordshire. Bit like a pot noodle
  7. Steve is an utter slag, but a great buyer. Chose it , messaged, paid for it. Job done !
  8. Then let me kick off ! Dave was a gent, swift payment, and great communication. Way to go fella
  9. I'm well packaged, thats a given, you cheeky mutt
  10. Thanks for that effort Andy. I checked your Eude build, and it appeared that someone called Kay Fasteners was mentioned. Have no idea who they are or whether you actually used them, but no matter now, as you have sent some good news in PM
  11. Thanks Andy, that would be handy Checking out the eude build
  12. Not sure what the technical term is for attaching a neck using sunken threaded inserts into the body, then using flanged bolts to clamp the neck down. Anyone know what the search words are ? Does the sunken insert also need a flange , bit like a top hat i would imagine ? How does one know which size to buy ..
  13. Hmm.... a crease is difficult. Dents can be sorted with a vavuum cleaner but a crease - probably permanent
  14. Or maybe just buy a Markbass NY 4 x 6" They were immense in sound and small in stature and weight.
  15. Better stand with your back to the audience and play facing the rear wall. You can get your other player to mention over the mic that you're eccentric, and really hate gratuitous sax Result. Free nosebag , free drink, free taxi, cash in the claw, ....and no worrying about missed and duff notes. What's not to like ?
  16. Doesnt always work out that you get sorted by Ebay or PP if it goes mammaries up. I have experience of someone trying to rip me off. I had to get my bank to step in after about 6 or 7 weeks of utter grief with a courier , PP and the Police. None of whom gave a real sh!t
  17. 2 stylers ? Have you seen the price compared to a couple of 250k and 500k pots http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Tone_styler_BAss.html
  18. Yup, and spin it back and forth as you spray ( matron )
  19. Pretty much, yup. But there's always that time when you want to twiddle just a gnats scrote, forward or back, depending
  20. Mostly because regardless of price, it seems there's a selection of buyers who simply haggle because they simply would never pay the advertised price, or thats what they feel they have to do, so many people up the price to cope with the hagglers. Then you have the desperate sellers who sell cheaply because of financial difficulties, and then what you get is buyers pointing to those desperate sales and saying " but that seller sold the same item for blah blah " This is not regular, i should add, but it happens. I had someone refuse to buy something for £22 because i wouldnt knock £2 off. I simply cannot be bothered with such buyers. I sold to someone else in the end. If it had been a £100 item, yes would have haggled, but £22 - no
  21. The only trouble i can see with the inductor or tone styler is how you switch through to the setting you want and remembering. Ok, it's not a biggie - but say i want position 4 and position 11 as my 2 tones, i gotta remember each time where my pot is currently sat, and either count forwards, or worse, backwards when changing tones If i had 2 regular tone pots, they can be pre-set already, and just flip the selector switch
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