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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Still got it. Lobbed in a draw. Dont know if it still works
  2. Good points made chaps. The rotary idea with different capacitors sounds like something i had on my MM clone a few years ago. It was called an inductor circuit, and you couldn't see the caps I'll see if i can find an old photo
  3. As stated, you cannot just lob a different driver in there. You could of course get extremely lucky and accidently buy the perfect driver, but there's more chance of growing a second todger. Pick some drivers - name them, and list the Thiele small parameters, and hope a cab guru will help you
  4. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=bass+guitar+strap+button+extender&num=30&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=dOGb97Boz6WR2M%3A%2CGVXgpCe8bYeyyM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kRBhriveF3wYFo8gUzGnYW4Th81BQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLwoTPiuHeAhVGwrwKHfqMDMsQ9QEwA3oECAMQBA#imgrc=dOGb97Boz6WR2M:
  5. This place is littered with acoustic whizz kids. Watch this space
  6. Scored a very nice amp from Brian. Parcel well packed, was posted the next day after payment, and communication was excellent. Brian is the Biz Cheers fella
  7. Bought for project but not used, so mint condition. Original screws and allen key . £25 posted
  8. I didnt realise Fane were considered High End / Custom option. But i do now, so my DIY 1 x 15 600 watt Fane cab is now ' High End ' Lovely - like the sound of that (sic)
  9. This disappearing was much more sad ..
  10. I am the god of hell fire, and I bring you Fire, I'll take you to burn. Fire, I'll take you to learn. I'll see you burn
  11. Revelation 13:18 Strings Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 6
  12. Thing is, this was not a stand alone head. It was in a Mk5 combo, and i;m not sure if the solo amps and combo amps are the same size
  13. And, as if by magic ....
  14. Inhumanely euthanised, hopefully.
  15. I've made an obscene fortune as a professional fat string pilot. They say I'm crazy but I have a good time Life's Been Good To Me So Far
  16. I also remember Rod Clements of Lindisfarne playing a fretless classic. It came up for sale a few years ago and it was quite a price
  17. I'll actually say what this is, but i'm sure many will know this beast
  18. 100% JW fan here too. What a wonderful character he is, and such a superb writer. The Smoker and Barnstorm have been sat in my music collection for over 30 years Check this track out under headphones. The production is sublime, and the lyrics are very poignant. Wonderful
  19. Hmmm.... reckon i'll stick with regular pots. Thanks anyways
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