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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Thanks again H Ap, you mean I'm much too young, when i could be having fun with pots ?
  2. Ok - cheers H Reading up about Linear v Audio ( Log ) the word was Audio for tone pots and Linear for Volume pot, so would you say that's back to front.? What i would like to avoid is having the tone, and the volume , all happening at the last couple of millimetres of turning.
  3. Having said that, what value caps would you put on each tone pot, if any ? And what kohm Volume pot ?
  4. Hope this doesnt sound too dumb, but i'll get over it. Is it possible to have a 500k tone pot, and a 250k tone pot , with a switch to select each tone pot when needed , wired to just one pickup ?
  5. I play 4's , only 4's and nothing but the 4's
  6. Hammerite is pretty good stuff, and plenty of choice re. finishes
  7. Got a couple of different sizes .. left Gaucho 2.75" middle Unknown 4" right Gaucho 2.75" I definately prefer the 4"
  8. Think it was a submarine in a previous life. Some folk have no shame
  9. What a bunch of lame amateurs. Compensation should be the minimum response from that mob. I will be avoiding them if i ever need to book a van.
  10. Must be nearly time to kickstart that cab again, Richard ?
  11. I dont have to bother dropping that 30hz slider, cos i ain't got one
  12. Yep, that kind of backs up what he told me. My series 5 was ( i think ) early '85, and that ties in with CB's designs starting late 85. Genius
  13. IIRC, ( i was in contact with him a couple of years ago ) CB didnt design the Series 5 and before. Pretty sure thats what he told me
  14. Berlimey - never knew Titebond had a shelf life, either opened or not. I've had some for a couple of years, though i dont build basses. It's for mundane household glueing. EDIT Ok, i did use it when i built my 1x15 cab, but it's also screwed as well as glued.
  15. Cheers Andy I've heard various solutions elsewhere on the net and people praise one glue and others completely disagree, as is the way of the world. Titebond was praised, Titebond was shot down. Same with Hide glue, which seems it's meant to be used hot. These yays and nays came from guitar builders, of all people
  16. Is there a preferred glue for bonding caps to bodies ?
  17. I think he does. He doesnt come on here much so may miss this message. If you dont get an answer, message me and i will phone him
  18. Cant think what type of music they'd want for a plumber in a loin cloth fixing a washing machine owned by a lonely housewife with a body that could make the Pope kick a hole in his stained glass window. Funk garage jungle ?
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