First, i need to ask , is 1 Vol, 2 Tone, and 1 balance / blend possible ? It's for a 2 humbucker / soapbar bass.
The reason i want 2 tone pots, is so i can have a 250k pot on the neck pup and 500k on the bridge pup.
The balance could be a switch, but i'd prefer a pot as it would fit the existing hole. A switch won't and will cause a headache
Then after all that, most tone pots seem to have a .22 or .47 resistors attached, so i also need to know which value i'd need for each tone pot. Suggestions ?
And should i go for all Log taper or mix n match Log + Lin ?
I'd also need some wizard leccy guru to draw a wiring diag for moi, as i dont have the knowledge
TVM !!