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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Probably has to be Steely Dan. I have at least 6 CD's of theirs, which is more than any other band in my collection. I cant think of many bands that have so many albums out that all sound great.
  2. Its worth £780 if someone is fool enough to pay No it isn't people like him that hike prices. Its the people who blindly pay up who set second hand values
  3. There's no favouritism regarding watts. You'll have to queue like the rest of us. PS Anyone's watts go to 11 ?
  4. No, please start on Trace watts. I need a reason to keep my TE
  5. T'is a beauty guys, you are right Anyone interested can make offers by PM
  6. Nope I have a Zoom and can simply play through headphones.
  7. Normal gig fees for us would have been £250 or £300. Nobody in our 5 piece would do a NYE gig for only double, £100 or £120 Its simply isn't worth leaving family and friends for that amount. 3 x times normal gig fees and they'd think about it
  8. I would have thought you could use a pre. with any passive pickup, though the output might be on the hot side, since passives designed to be passive, tend to have a higher output than passive pickups designed to be used with a pre. I think EMG make active pickups that cannot be used passively That may be wrong
  9. They want us yeast again ? Are you not self raising ?
  10. Hmmm.. maybe just a level stage is all thats required for stereo drool
  11. One that can drool equally from both sides of the mouth
  12. So what you're saying is these manufacturers move production from countries like Japan to countries like Indonesia to help the Indonesian economy? And you think the guy in the video is being naive? I'd say he's not the only one. What you describe is a side effect of companies chasing the lowest cost of production. Plain and simple. As soon as it becomes cheaper to produce guitars to certain standards and schedules and in the required quantities elsewhere in the world, a corporation will move production because the bottom line profitability is all that matters to them. It would be nice to think they're moving production from country A to country B just to help out all the B population, but that is rose tinted viewing at best. I've seen it in every company I've ever worked for, current one especially. Asbo lootly These monster machines like Fender are simply not moving production to overseas because they're good guys They're chasing ever and ever cheaper ways of cutting costs, therefore making even more money. That new yacht the MD has his eye on has to be paid for
  13. Its Jimi , not Jimmi. Can i have a star please , ta
  14. A Finn Typr R Fretless 4 would make me seriously happy
  15. Just looking at the individual bridge pieces, they're appallingly out of place, and not just that E string piece either. What a chancer
  16. What an excellent vid " what if the small luthiers prices are the norm, and all the big factories getting their axes made wherever, are too cheap " Quite right
  17. It would be advantageous to post smaller file size photos - i'm on a good connection but they're taking way too long to load
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