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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I'm not gutted we had to sack the scounging croaking lazy tightwad. Sister's nice though.
  2. Where do you hang the anal papyrus roll ?
  3. If Carlsberg Stradivarius made basses, they'd probably be the best basses in the world.
  4. Its odd to hear such expensive basses having horrid actions / setups. I've had a few cheap basses in my life and all of them were fine. All basses need to be setup for the player because it's so personal. I had an 80 quid Chase Guvnor bass that was damn good. Set it up for my particular needs. Bit of a one trick pony tone wise, but that was it's only problem. I had a Vintage MM copy and was also an excellent bass for the price. A few tweaks here and there. I fitted a UK Warman MM in place of the Wilky MM and it improved tone wise, but that's subjective anyway.
  5. Oh yeah ! Black Widow. Cab and driver have long gone
  6. 100% How about one of Fender's nasty old planks .. 24,480 Euros. Ugh https://www.vintageandrare.com/product/Fender-1968-Telecaster-Bass-Paisley-Red-4.35kg-1968-97806
  7. Had one on my Peavey C4 - a nice lump of solid 8mm Ebony. Used more as a thumb rest than anything else
  8. Yes, i think he played with ex Orchestra players rather than the band themselves, so thanks for the correction. Mind transplant is sublime Dont wanna interupt a Purple thread anymore so do a YT search for Mouzon's Snowbound - terrific track
  9. I thought the 3 laws of Hoffman ( pick any 2 ) were low, light, loud rather than cheap , light , loud ? Could be wrong !
  10. Bolin was a guitar god. Way out of Blackmore's league. As an aside from Purple stuff, check out Billy Cobham's album Spectrum for some Bolin acrobatics He played with jazzers Mahavishnu Orchestra, and Alphonse Mouzon as well
  11. Only ever caught them live just as Coverdale joined, but loved Gillan so much more Come on then... let's 'av it.
  12. Someone asked the same question, and got a similar response. If you dont have FB, no one will tell you. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/471496-hw-rickenbacker/
  13. Aye ya do have to be good, i agree. Saw Zappa in London, 70's - outrageously good
  14. Indeed, but these guys are just a pizz take. But damn good. I've had the Un-Led-ED CD for nearly 30 years. Performing the songs of Led Zeppelin in a reggae style and sung by a Las Vegas Elvis impersonator
  15. Demon's Eye, Flight of The Rat, Speed King.
  16. GMO what a bore. Dont ask that guy the time unless you want to know how a watch works. Bass mistake ? Of course not
  17. Good answer, and that'll work, but any idea why back button doesnt work properly when searching ?
  18. I noticed a long time ago, that using the back button ( i only speak of using BC on a Pooter ) only works properly if not doing an internal search I have no idea if this is a forum software fault or browser ( Firefox ) EG open the basses for sale, scroll to midway down the page, look at a bass, then backbutton and it goes back to last position. Now try searching for something, say 4 string fretless within basses for sale, and when the list opens scroll down midway or futher, see a bass, open the page, then backbutton, and you go right back to the top of the page, instead of the last position you were at. Not life or death but a bit annoying
  19. Aye, he was superb. Kings and Queens, Love Like Blood etc. Sad he died so young at 46
  20. I saw them live at Trafalgar square in 1980 at a CND rally My pick would be the the ultra dangerous track, Change. Included on the US release of their first album. Then a bit later, became the B side of the single Requiem Martin Youth Glover on bass.
  21. Adds about 2 oz to a bass. Hardly a disaster in weight increase
  22. You could just strip a regular bass down and get it hydro dipped in Carbon. Plenty of Hydro Dippers around. https://vitalhydrographic.co.uk/
  23. Great contribution. Knobbish post in a thread you care nothing about.
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