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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Crass Direct is less letters. For someone that can't be bothered to use a calculator to work out Kg to Lbs, i think the less letters there are in the company name change, the better. Fibs Direct is even easier
  2. I never saw a CO at school, but i did want to be a train driver. I even applied but they caught me out in about 30 seconds flat after they gave me the Ishihara test. I only got page one right, page two on were unrecognisable. Thereth ended my train driving career. Luckily i then did an engineering apprenticeship
  3. Did anyone want to be a careers officer ?
  4. AS someone who doesnt dep, this doesnt apply to me much, but as said, me and my bass ( whichever i choose ) is what you get. I've never told a drummer to change his kit or tell a vocalist to change their mic.
  5. The police even take their time on serious crime too. This may well be related to where one lives in the country, but still. Last year, early hours of the morning , i was peering out of my balcony window looking at Venus or something. The place was deserted. Then a grey/silver estate drives into the shops area, too slow so they became suspicious. Instead of driving into the shops car park, they reverse upto Tesco Express. 4 blokes leap out , one legs it to the edge and stands as look out, one stays in the driver's seat. The 3 then open the tailgate, attach a truck type strap to the car and the other end to the doors of TE. Driver puts his clog down and rips the doors clean off. The 3 then dive into TE and rip the safe box from it's moorings, all 4 leap into the estate and motor off. I was on the phone to police the moment i saw the masked bandits get out of the car ( Audi apparently ) so i was chatting to the police person , telling them what was going, how many blokes, etc etc. This was while they were at it, before they even ripped the doors off. The police receptionist even heard the almighty bang ( and it was LOUD ) on my phone, the Tesco shop being about 50 metres away Police eventually turned up 20-25 mins later. 1 bloke in a panda.
  6. If you're buying her an Alesis E Kit, and as you say she's a beginner, i guess you may well be getting her the Turbo Mesh Kit. I believe it's the entry level mesh kit from Alesis. Mesh kits are everywhere now, even on entry level kits. Alesis are one of the good names, as are Roland. There some compromises to be made when buying entry level kits, but that's to be expected. You dont know at this point whether she'll love drumming or hate it. AS for what BRX said about noise, it's something i can concur on. 22 years ago when i was a gigging drummer, i had a Roland mesh kit and the the bass drum is the biggest problem if you have neighbours. Although quiter than an acoustic kit, you still send that thump thump through the walls. Even worse if you live in a flat above people. You will need to isolate in such a case, as BRX said
  7. There's fack all art in copying someone else's guitar / bass lines. Fun though. I do that very thing meself. The kiddies are talented, yes, clever too, but ultimately a zzzzzzzzzzz fest The magic comes from the mind of the original composer. When the embryos eventually compose something worthwhile, then i'll be impressed.
  8. Yeah i've heard that Stevie but that's mostly rubbish. I suppose if the sellotape had lots of folds / ridges / too many wraps, maybe. I've used sellotape for barcode labels since barcode labels came out for parcels. Never had one fail a scanner till this thread i started. Not only that, the shop can type in the tracking code on the label, manually, into the scanner. That would totally rule out the sellotape mucking things up. The 3 times they tried this at 2 different shops, even manual entering the number proved to still throw up an error ... something was duff at Yodels end and they still told me the label was a good 'un, its the shop's scanners. zzzzzzzzzzzz
  9. Pretty disgraceful all round. Parcel couriers are a bluddy shambles.
  10. This real person offered me the option of a 1-2 day refund if i had the money sent to Yodel account, instead of 5-7 day wait back to my card account. Much chuckling at my end.
  11. More amusement. Despite the ' live ' chat ( real person in real time, ) telling my she was cancelling my booking, and refund back to my card in 5-7 days, the money has not appeared. That was over 8 days ago Back onto live chat again today, i ask where the hell is my money, go through all the same carp as before, postcodes, tracking, ref numbers, invoice numbers etc, tell real person that the previous real person cancelled my booking because of Yodels rediculous system, but my money has not been repaid Real person says she's looked into this and it wasnt cancelled by previous real person. So first real person, she lie like a persian rug. Outright lie. Today's real person cancels my booking and this time i get .PNG that downloads from the chatbox to my PC so i check the file, and this time , it's official. Another 5-7 day wait. Marvellous. Bonobos could run a tighter ship than this bunch of degenerates
  12. A painless deal selling Andy an amp. Very communcative , and friendly. 10/10
  13. I've visited Blegium. Bluddy ghost town - just full of tumbleweed
  14. There's a luthier called John Soderlund , who goes by the name of JGS Guitars by i have no idea if it's the same guy that built yours
  15. Dammit freak, that was friggin awesome. 9/8 is not easy to play but you guys nailed that 100%. My fave LZ track too. Nice work out for any drummer and vocalist. Is that band still going ? It should be if it isn't I've played that bassline too, and love it above anything else i've done
  16. I would recommend a Peavey KB100 / KB300. British and so well made / built These are keyboard amps, with 3 channels, 1x15 and a great EQ section + Reverb. I rehearse at my mates mini studio, and he has one of the KB100 combos, and its awesome, i swear. Saves me hauling my own rig to his place all the time. Its a fabulous amp, and if it weighed the same as my Shuttlemax and Barefaced cab, i'd use it live.
  17. Well, DPD came to the rescue. Cut those muppets Yodel loose, and dropped off my parcel at a local point, Wed PM. DPD picked up Thurs. Delivered to my buyer today. What the frig was so hard about that ? Yodel... take a lesson and then FO
  18. I remember having a problem, just once TBF, with a courier booked through Interparcel, and Inter were on the ball, good comms, and i got a refund fairly quickly
  19. They're now on my FU list along with Hermes/Evri
  20. Excellent mr meister Good for us little folk, then
  21. Well, thats the thing. There are people who have not had any bad experiences with UPS, FEDEX, DPD, PF, etc, and there are people who have had bad experiences at sometime with all of the above, and others. If you were to not bother using a courier because someone said they were useless, then you wouldn't have a courier left to use. I used a courier that i have never had any dealings with in the past, despite others having had bad dealings. Now i know. They'll never get my money again. Luckily i had a very patient buyer, who wasnt ruffled one bit I've used RM and been ok. But i'm not sure they take parcels of 6kg weight. Besides, little point using RM right now
  22. That is exactly why i dont use them. Unclear and confusing T+T's is a recipe for get out clauses, IMO. Well done for contacting them. They could easily do business here if their terms were much more transparent for us private individuals
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