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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. This old pedal i've had for many years, is the danglies for vocalists, lead or bv. You can alter anything on the main and harmony / ADT - the dymanics, loudness, EQ, delay, reverb, pitch blah blah. 3rds, 5ths, triple voice, radio ( honest ! ) and gender on any harmony It's dynamite as long as you put the work in. It has loads of user presets too.
  2. Just the dog version of punks gobbing at the band if they were good. Dog loved the band, obvs.
  3. Read the small print. As monsieur fretmesiter says, no good
  4. Correctamundo, and it wasnt a bass so if they'd been better on price and no possible strikes, i could have used their services
  5. Next time maybe they'll be a bit more competetive, so will keep them in mind.
  6. I probably would have used PF, but i was apprehensive about strikes, and they seem to be more expensive ( at times, anyways )
  7. Yodel Direct, take a bow you utter bunch of warthogs. No offence intended to Warthogs. Sold an item here, so off i pootle online to book a delivery. This was sunday just gone. Did the usual searches ( Interparcel - Parcel2Go etc ) looked ok, but carried on. Became obvious that using a drop off point, rather than collect from me, was cheaper by a decent margin, and of course i pick the time of drop off rather than sit in all day waiting. Did some search of courier using their own booking sites instead of a middleman , mentioned above. Never used Yodel Direct, though of course there have been warnings about them, but then at least someone somewhere has had a problem with every courier going. I avoid Hermes ( now called Evri ) at all costs, because of a pitiful experience with them when the driver stole my goods. Thats another story. So, no previous trouble with Yodel, who were the most competetive. I book online on sunday 28th, the booking tells me to take parcel to my chosen drop off point on tuesday 30th. Excellent. I wait for label to be emailed. Nothing. I wait another hour. Nothing. I go to webchat, and lady says she will email label manually. She does. I print label, though i could have had it done at the drop off point digitally ( whatever that is ) I didnt trust that so i printed the label. Drive over to the drop off with a 6kg lump and stand at the counter of the shop, and chap comes over with his scanner. " ERROR " Hmmm...strange, says chap. Taps tracking on label into scanner manually. " ERROR " He asks if i have email on my mob. where the original PDF might be better. I need internet for this and have to go to the back of the shop to find the shop's wifi. I find it and have to walk back to the counter to get the code. He's on the phone with some deliquent muppet at Yodel, and when he's finished, he says they're calling back, but take the parcel to another drop off. So i dont get to log in to his wifi and show him the original PDF for him to try a scan. I suggest that if they're calling back, i'll leave the parcel with him, with my number, and call me when it's sorted. He says good idea. That has all taken 30 minutes. The other assitant was also using the one and only scanner for other people bringing parcels. It works fine for them. Big queue by now. Obvs. Yodel don't call back I foxtrot oscar back home. When i get home, I decide to webchat with Yodel again, and after all the standard rubbish webchat computer questions dont work, a proper person starts on the webchat. She says it's a bad idea to leave the parcel, so get it back and take it to another Yodel drop off. So, back i drive to the shop, tell chap what they said, and he gives me my parcel and i drive to another designated drop off. Its a fuel staion this time. Fuel staion has two tills, but only one till is set up to scan parcels. That till is broken, i'm told. Of course it is. Oh deep joy. I foxtrot oscar again, this time i go home to calm the fack down. I check for other drop offs on Yodel webby, and there's another out of town. After a cup of lovely Assam , i had noted the shop was open till 8.30 pm. I drive ( again ) to this new drop off ( Spar shop, like the first one ) at about 7pm. Still fuming a tad. Take parcel in, nice lady grabs her scanner ( ooer ) and guess what kids ? " ERROR " She also tries the manual thing, entering the 16 digit number. " ERROR " I get home and this time i find landline for Yodel the Chimps, and speak to, yup ...a person i cannot understand very well. Bad line and poor English. We get somewhere in the end, despite her system not recognising the numbers on the label. She says go to Yodel webby and find ' CANCEL MY LABEL ' I do this, and after typing this and that in the boxes, i get a message " THIS LABEL CANNOT BE CANCELLED ONLINE " I go back to miss Poor English / Bad Phone Line and of course i get a different person. Explanation AGAIN, and this time , although the system still doesnt flag up my label, she has all my details and buyers details, so can see i booked something, and says she will cancel the label ( how ? ) and i will get refund in 5-7 days. Strange, it took 2 seconds to take my money when i booked, but a possible week to get my moolah back ? I guess thats the way of the world. Yesterday i booked another courier, print label, drive today to drop off. In and out in 30 seconds. Job done. W T actual F ?? I had a patient buyer, no panic from them at all, who i kept informed of the appalling shenanigans, but in brief.
  8. Parcel Farce have never insured guitars beyond standard built in cover. They are excluded from the list for enhanced compensation. By that, i assume they dont insure over the built in compensation. https://www.parcelforce.com/help-and-advice/sending/items-we-exclude-compensation
  9. That's what i heard, too. Below average for sure, and flat sounding. Looks like he's more into his hair than learning to sing. Rest of the band were good though
  10. Indeed. Fortune favours the brave it seems. His luck cant last though. The longer he carries on, the nearer he'll get to ripping off a psycho, and that will do what the police and FB failed to. In fact, i hope he does find that nutter. Sooner rather than later.
  11. A difference of opinion. It's exactly what i DO see, and you don't. This mob mentality you speak of is a mystery
  12. Asisstants in a one man business don't set business protocol, or indeed have a say in how to run the owners business. Not sure what the hell you're on about , this ' mob mentality ' ? We have people posting about their satisfactory dealings and we have people posting about their unsatisfactory dealings. Where's the mob part of this ? If you cant stand people posting negative stuff about bad dealings, you're in the wrong thread
  13. Who do you think the business is ? Its one man, and he's responsible. No one can attack the business without personal attack because he IS the business
  14. He reads stuff when his name is attached to it. And so he should.
  15. There's another thread on this but the other one needs mod approval, so just post here
  16. Yup, he does https://www.basschat.co.uk/profile/338-poptart/
  17. If you have bought the Jack 12 plans, then build the cab with the recommended drivers. There's little point in going off piste. Bill knows what he's doing.
  18. Well, as the amp is behaving itself, there's no need to fiddle with it anymore, but just for the record, none of the 3 Vols ( 2 x channel , 1 master ) had any affect on the loudness of the crackle. It's been fine and dandy these last couple of weeks. Thanks aged h and Thanks all !
  19. Side jacks should go straight into Room 101
  20. I'm a righty, but use all 4 fingers of my left fretting hand, so i'd have a bit of trouble without the little finger, though the way humans adapt to such things as lost digits lost limbs etc , is amazing, so i would agree with the posters who say learn to play without the little pinky
  21. Shame i missed out on new standard JB CF neck, but i have had the pleasure of owning a vintage Status. Unique axes and British too. Glad Rob Green is ok, and wish himself and Dawn all the best vibes
  22. Good grief - all becomes clear. I stopped reading / waiting for any front page messages, as before , it just said they're not taking new orders, he will update at sometime, so not really an indepth explanation, and basically i havent bothered reading the front page for a while. I guess that message is not that old. Well, it's a relief that Rob is ok. I wish him well. 2nd hand Status basses are set to rise, i reckon
  23. I must have been waiting for Status to update for months and months about their necks, and they never do. I've been after a jazz CF neck for a long time I gave up. I suppose SG might be concentrating on full basses, where the money is, thats if they get going again. I can see them going t*ts up if they dont sort themselves out
  24. I dont have enough basses/guitars to bother with hangers, but i wouldnt use them in any case. They'd just get covered in dust, so i leave my 2 ( currently ) in their cases
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