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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Wouldnt a DB meter be out front rather than at the back ? Dunno...
  2. As always, the devil is in the detail You must be Beelzebub
  3. You shaving that neck seems quicker than me shaving my neck That head plate is gonna look triff
  4. Good point. Also playing nearer the bridge reduces the effect a bit
  5. In the past , i've blobbed a tiny bit of silicon on the bottom springs and let it go off. Job done. I actually prefer springs to foam.
  6. It starts with the string " touching " the fretboard. Not enough to choke the string though, and then players fingers do the rest, so it's really a combination. So yes, i'd agree with you in the most part that a player can dial it back. Actually, some fretlesses dont sound like a fretless and some do. If the player doesnt " force " the mwah with technique with such fretlesses, then one wouldn't know it was a fretless. Some you can tell its a fretless just plucking open strings.
  7. Dont forget to take your memory pills Neck looking stunning mate
  8. Aha, you mean the replacement has different thickness magnets. The wires from the pickup are generally placed next to the exit hole in the pickup rout, which goes to your control cavity. If it were back to front , you'd have the pickup wires running along side of the pickup before they exit, which is not the norm. So if the thicker magnets are next to the pickup wires, then you have your answer. It is alo likely that the bigger magnets are for the D + G, but just place the wires as i said.
  9. It would seem so, yes, but since you stated you're replacing it, i dont really think it matters
  10. Lordy knows what that abomination is but Jones played a Fodera Monarch, not that monstrosity. Even so, he wasnt really known for Foderas, just Wals and Ibanezezzzezezzs. He briefly played a Gretsch which he filed some of the frets down to make a half fretless. Used on one one track, Running on 3, on the first album. He then switched to a fretless Precision for a while before the Wal and then Ibanez
  11. Spiffin' .. asbo lootly spiffin
  12. Could well be , but i think he's probably kosher, as he's alright with collection and the bass can be tested. I dont like Tbirds, Firebirds, and the like. They dont do a thing for me.
  13. Take these broken strings and learn to fly ?
  14. Never heard of the Epi Blackbird - wondering what's so bad about it
  15. Tres amusing, i must say I reckon he really doesnt want this bass
  16. Someone been spiking your Horlicks ??
  17. Very sneaky, very clever. Wasn't that a Uriah Heep album ?
  18. Weirdly, in the '78 photo you look like a bloke and yet in the '82 photo you look like a schoolboy. Thats a great trick for staying young Ps love that classic Overwater. I've had 2 of those - a single pup and a twin pup.
  19. I've been thnking about when it's time spray the neck gloss black, and i'm now thinking another route, to save a load of work. My new route is Fiebings black leather dye. Heard good things but never used it. Andy, dont know whether you've tried this, and anyone else can chip in who's had experience... Does it go on uniformly or patchy ? If patchy, what is the trick for a uniform looking black coating , and how many coats am i looking at ? The next stage will be Poly Varnish over the top to give a more gloss finish. Now then, does Poly V need flattening between coats, and what is a reasonable amount of coats? Can anyone enlighten ?
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