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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I dont fancy the the Torpedos, but i do like those RML claw bridges. Better this and better that ? Not bothered really, as a lot of people buy stuff that looks good, and not necessarily that it has be an improvement, so i'd buy the claw regardless
  2. Thanks chap Decided to have it sprayed by a friend now, as i dont think i could do a good enough job
  3. Apart from the above reasons, there's a rather large ( i think ) group of people who have invested ( rich gits ) thousands and thousands in top flight decks, outboard phono stages, snake oil cabling, separates amp/preamp, decoupling hifi supports and so on. Could easily top a couple of hundred grand. Ok, they're the rare group, but the lower orders could easily reach 10k. I would be buying vinyl now it's back, if i ever owned such a costly vinyl sound system. Mind you, even CD sound systems got to giddy heights. 20, 30k for CD transports and so on. I remember some top flight Onkyo amps costing 30k. And Barclay CD tranpsorts costing as much
  4. I have a wee thought on this. How much better can bridges get ? There's been some innovations decades ago, but eventually the improvements have got smaller and smaller, as they cant keep getting improved forever. The innovations are dimiinishing. Marketing cowpat is where its at. Think toothpaste. Ever since i was a kid, toothpastes have been re-vented and re-invented ad infinitum. Sure they may have improved in big leaps early on but every year or 2, toothpaste marketing tells us that this product and that product will kill off placque and reduce gum disease by some huge percentage, and we get even whiter teeth from Colgate's new paste. Other toothpastes are available If that were really the case, there wouldnt be anyone with placque or gum disease, and even whiter ? What again ? Everyone's teeth would look like a set of snow white glowing gnashers. Marketing is king.
  5. At this point, i'd say he is. Many of the vast amount of popular bridges have customer feedback, which Sid doesn't have right now, and how many of those manufacturers brought videos out on how they improve on any previous designs ? They might be out there but i've never seen one. So buyers are buying on the manufacturers say so. So after Sid sells some, then feedback from buyers is where its at.
  6. £40 is not realistic. Even the Schaller 3d bridges , mass produced, probably no hand polishing either ( maybe, i dont know ) but they retail between £85 and £100
  7. Now that is one spanking bridge. If Schaller 3d's had that it would also be perfect
  8. I like the look of the bridge, just i would never pay that much for one, ever. I wince at the the price of Schallers 3d 3 way adjustables, and i love those bad boys
  9. Bass player in the band was JJ Burnel. Jean Jackets Burnel to his mates
  10. After 7 years as a member, you should have known by now. Plenty of other bridge designers also dont solve any problems, but sell in their thousands. Dont be put off. You're only mistake was designing it on here for all to see.
  11. Thanks again Had a look on CTSCORP and mine appear to be 450G spec, and of course are available in Audio and Lin, and yet still i cant see how to differ an Audio from a Lin, unless i'm missing it in the spec https://www.ctscorp.com/wp-content/uploads/Series-450G-Data-Sheet-Rev-B.pdf
  12. Yeah identical to the guy on Ebay, so Audio as you say. The thing i'm wondering is, with no ID of which taper is stamped on the pot, if someone were to order say 2 Audios and 2 Lins, how would you tell them apart ... things like this keep me awake at night
  13. Cheers Aidan. So i've got 2 vols and 2 tones all Audi taper. Looked at the Ebay link, and still there's no taper ID on his pots that i can see. Wonder if there's ID on the sides instead
  14. That makes some sense Del , cheers. Yeah no ID on the tapers. Weird
  15. I cant find some CTS pot codes that are on some pots i have. Namely - on back of pot - CTS250SS 2025 and CTS 250SS 2044 There is no ID for Log/Audio or Lin tapers. Perhaps thats in the numbers - no idea Anyone ID these ? Cheers
  16. That first one would be ideal to play in a forest. A snipers dream
  17. Ditto, but the downside of living 2 floors up is that my spare room is wall to wall music gear and all the other non-descript junk that gets stored. There's so much stuff i have a one way system for walking in and out.
  18. I've often wondered, and why no one seems to ask, is when using octave down, how the hell does your cab speaker cope with such a low note, on say the open E on a 4 string ? If that's a dumb question, no fear, i'll have myself arrested
  19. I'm looking at getting a gloss black finish on some wood, using a clear gloss poly varnish on top to achieve this. Options are matt black paint or fiebings black dye, and then poly varnish. Paint i assume will need a primer, so thats another stage , 3 in all with paint Fiebings will go straight onto wood, and then poly over that. I dont know which will give the better uniform finish for the poly. Fiebings looks like it will definately be the easiest to apply, but i done know how uniform / patchy this stuff is. Heard good things about Fiebings. Not as messy as spraying, either. Which to choose ...anyone with experience ?? The other question is does polyurethane varnish need flatting between coats ? I assume yes, but not sure which grades of wet n dry are needed
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