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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Have you seen the length of that guy's fingers ? Freak ! Only people with fingers the length of breadsticks can play that bass
  2. You dont have to be good at anything to own anything you want. Spend YOUR money where it makes you happy. There's no laws on that.
  3. " We're gonna need a bigger boat board "
  4. Mike's work is just fabulous. Top man too, and not just cause he's an Essex bloke like wot i is.
  5. Another highly professional build, Rob. Excellent
  6. Hmm...i thought i'd do the same but couldnt find the ' select delete ' box. I am blind in both ears Where is it Woody ?
  7. Jeeeez. There's always one. It was just an experiment. Some guy messing around for the sake of it. He didn't string it with guitar strings to make it sound like a bass. He would have strung it with bass strings if he wanted it to sound like a bass. Have a Millers or something and relax.
  8. That's some post code you have there Frank
  9. LABELLA BLACK TAPEWOUND FLATS / WHITE TAPEWOUND FLATS. WHITES NOW SOLD Black tapes 4 string 2+2 60-115 White tapes 4 string 2+2 50-105 sold £28 posted free UK mainland
  10. You could do worse than try emailing Clive Button who was the sole designer, from Series 6 on, TE bass amps/ combos and acoustic combos plus a host of other TE gear for the next 12 years from 1985 Bass - Series 6 range, SMX range, SMC range, 7 Band range, 12 Band range, GP7 Pre-Amp, GP12 Pre-Amp, AH150, AH200, AH300, AH350, AH500, AH1000-12, Valve Series, VA350, VA400, VR400, Twin, Quatra, Hexa, Commando range, Boxer range, PPA power amplifiers, Powered Sub 15, Bass effects pedal range, MP11 etc: Acoustic - TA100R, TA50R, TA200R, TA Concert range, TA60, TA35, TA30, Acoustic Cube, TAB100 (Acoustic Bass), Acoustic PA 16 channel powered mixer system, Acoustic PA 12 channel powered mixer system, TAP1 acoustic pre-amp pedal, in fact everything that came out of Trace Elliot all the way through to 1997 I dont know whether he's still active, but i had an email chat with him some 8 or 9 years ago about my series 5 4x10 combo, but as he told me, he didnt design the series 5, but was helpful nonetheless [email protected]
  11. A Pedulla Buzz is it ?. Fab bass !
  12. Quite right. We save it for the likes of despicable and dangerous muppets like Nugent. The midwife should have kept the placenta and tossed Nugent away
  13. I'd buy one of the ones in the builders forum just for its looks, regardless whether its solves a problem or not. But not at those prices, no siree. The most i ever paid for a bridge is the Schaller 3D i'm selling, just under 90 quid
  14. A whacky experiment , nothing more, and no one is likely to play like that in a band sitch. Though never say never. Reminded a bit of the Vigier that Govan played about 10 years ago but with less strings
  15. I couldn't find a feedback thread for @PigBass so i'm kicking one off. Darren offered me a new / unused pedal for a 3rd of it's new price, and suggested i paid when it arrives. What a gentleman. The pedal was like it just shipped from a shop. Painless deal and a lovely guy to do business with Thanks Darren ! Pete
  16. I love the tone of this bass. And it looks fabulous. I'm a poor fretless player so unlined fretboards are no good, otherwise i would have bought this. Lukasz - if that's you in the video playing, you are a wonderful player.
  17. Clever playing. In fact he's excellent and it's just an experiment, so i'm not gonna slag him. I cant see me bothering though
  18. Indeed, comfort for YOU is everything. What works for some doesn't work for others. That's life. You'll find your comfort zone and that will be the right technique
  19. I speak with forked tongue. Just realised mine was one of the early V7 MM jobs. Still, the rest of the above still counts
  20. I had the early Sire a while ago, and didnt get on with the tone, so i tried Barts and it didnt improve ( not for my taste anyways ) so it's probably the preamp. Thats just my take, and other owners / modders will have a different experience
  21. I just measured my Roksak case and i started with length, and it's 127 cm inside. Marvellous. I was given it free of charge by Wunjos when i bought one of the weird shaped Overwater classics. Very long bass, and Wunjos tried a few cases and they weren't long enough. But just measured the upperhorn approx 50cm up from the bottom and my case is not wide enough at that point. ( you need 35cm ) Shame Pete's Tribal Planet doesn't fit the bill. They're the most awesome non solid case i've ever seen. You can stand on 'em for cliff's sake. I still have one. Shame they no longer make them, as nothing comes close to them in the non solid case bag business
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