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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Jeeez they'e fugly looking lumps. But i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I removed mine with Optrex
  2. I guess you have the head. My combo has air grills on the front
  3. Functions and pubs will never pay enough to make a living, and if some bands manage that, then fair play. For me, gigging is all about the enjoyment. I dont do it for the ( small ) amount of money involved. Therefore hassle is not what i want or need. I avoid GK pubs at all costs. If a venue doesnt pay cash, i'll move onto one that does. Less gigs ? Probably , but it doesnt bother me in the slightest
  4. This one https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/4001214125975.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2bra&spm=a2g0o.detail.1000060.2.a1517212KSgJzb&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreThisSeller&scm=1007.13339.169870.0&scm_id=1007.13339.169870.0&scm-url=1007.13339.169870.0&pvid=3ca276db-07af-407f-a32b-6323d151f5e0&_t=gps-id:pcDetailBottomMoreThisSeller,scm-url:1007.13339.169870.0,pvid:3ca276db-07af-407f-a32b-6323d151f5e0,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238107%231934&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2210000015326233928%22%2C%22sceneId%22%3A%223339%22%7D&pdp_pi=-1%3B308.48%3B-1%3B-1%40salePrice%3BGBP%3Brecommend-recommend
  5. https://www.basschat.co.uk/forum/14-eub-and-double-bass/ probably get more answers
  6. By the way, he last visited Basschat on Tuesday. Probably looking for any threads with his shop name in the title
  7. Hows about a £1500 commission sale bass going missing, to this date, never to resurface 3 ish years on ? It was documented on here, but the thread has been hidden. That has to take the biscuit. If anyone who posted earlier about " i would do this and that etc " we're on the same page. I was actually preparing to go there to lump him in the face and drag the lying pr*ck round his shop. Lies lies and more lies is all i got. I've been looking online ever since to see if the bass popped up anywhere for sale but it never has. In the end, i relented after thinking about it. Cracking him a good one would only have got me arrested. I threatened legal action which ended up with me accepting 200 quid less , and cokky git moaning he wont make any money on the bass that had disappeared
  8. This is quite a different thread to the other BD one, where praises were sung. I wouldn't buy an E string off them after the shambles and the tissue of lies i was fed about my missing bass, which never ressurfaced to my knowledge. Never again. Ever.
  9. Interesting price. I think i sold mine to the BC member who originally sold it to me, for what i paid which was less than £1000, a year ago, or thereabouts
  10. There was also a Matrix with soapbars, albeit still single coils
  11. Thats exactly how my pal played his Stingray A right handed bass, played left handed, and leaving the strings upside down. And he's a great player too. It looks totally bizarre when he picks up any bass
  12. I prefer the look of the Lak, apart from that it's a 5 banger
  13. Robin Trower. He wasnt even the singer
  14. There was no way i could sell this to a poor unsuspecting bass player, so the skip got it free of charge
  15. Bassassin said some were actually playable. The woods were nice, not a lot wrong with the pickup and pots. Its just those who's necks went warp factor 9 got them a reputation. I was just unlucky.
  16. I chucked my first in a skip. It was a nasty Satellite neck through P bass. The nastiness was the banana neck that many of these Satellite neck through P's had. Not all, obviously but enough to get a reputation. I sadly had one of the bananas. @Bassassin made a post about these being FCN's budget planks, and being made in Korea at a time when quality was missing
  17. Thanks K I had 2 pics from my Sarzo sat in the C4 folder by mistake and simply fired them all on here thinking they were all C4 photos. I should have seen the tuners were different
  18. I owned a P bass once and threw it in a skip
  19. Yes but where was Derek Smalls switching options ?? Eh ? I rest my case sah
  20. I had a C4 a few years ago, and wondered why the hell i sold it. Lovely bass. Love Peavey 4 string necks, probably why i've also owned 2 Rudy Sarzo Peaveys C4 pics, and also the serial number of mine, though i didnt bother checking the date
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