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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. These people did a rather in depth review, and better than anything i could write https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/yamaha-stagepas-1k
  2. Wondering when i can get to try them out. The reviews were good
  3. I've run passive and active basses through the 6.2 and never had the O/L light up, which is a testament to what you say. Its a fabulous amp, and this is my 2nd Genz. My first was a 9.2 Max which was a veritable beast.
  4. Nah CB, the Piezo wire is not touching the bridge, as noted in your quote, so i was thinking, maybe incorrectly, that it DOES need to touch the underside of the bridge, which is the opposite of wha you say, but that also doesnt seem like a solution either. Looks to me like i need to contact my mate Dave Smart, who's some wizard extraordinaire with electronics
  5. The curtains came with the PA towers as a gift, which was a nice surprise. I've sent both the Yamaha Stagepas 1k back and kept the curtains
  6. Maybe that piezo wire needs to touch the underside of the new bridge ? It isnt right now. What i can say is there is only pot that affects the piezo, which is it's own volume. There is no tone pot for it, although there is a 3 way blend switch for mags only , piezo only, or blending both
  7. This is a bit more awkward then it seems, as the bass has 2 mag pups and a piezo bridge, and the bridge G intonation ran out of adjustment, and i dont really use the piezo, so i changed the bridge to a regular one. There were 2 wires to the original bridge , one for the earthing as per standard basses ( bare wire squashed when mounting the bridge ) and one that was soldered to what look like some tracks underneath the piezo brisdge , though they're not gold, but silver I left the normal black earth wire under the new bridge, obviously, but the black piezo wire i coiled up and left inside the hole that it emerges from, which incidentally, is the same hole that the regular earth emerges from. Is this my problem ? The batteries are brand new 9v's ( one each for Piezo and Mags i presume ) and are going flat with bass cable removed in less than a week after a full charge
  8. No, i cant seem to light up the input O/L ( underneath the Gain/Gain Vol ) even with gain fully up and grumbling
  9. Indeed - hasnt visited for 18 months Could be life got in the way, as sometimes happens
  10. You can get it out with Optrex White pearl is the biz on that Blue-ish Turq
  11. Do you need the 2nd tower that you were thinking of buying ?
  12. After all this, it seems i'm setting things as advised, and to my tone liking, and that is... set gain to before ' overdriving / gritty ' and then adjust gain volume to suit , then master That gets me a great basis to eq as i see fit. PS the amp is a Genz Shuttle 6.2
  13. Then really, it should not have been posted on BC. Too late now though
  14. There's stories from all of us good and bad, but recently i used Interparcel to send a parcel, and of the quotes, My Herpes were cheapest, but i should have known better It went astray, and Inter gave me my money back in less than 5 days
  15. Yes pretty awful - those tuner mountings are a bit grim
  16. Ta ! Well thats a bit mysterious, as i've seen amps with a gain but no gain level knob. Too cheap to add a level knob ?
  17. I think i'm on your page. As it happens, i dont like overdrive, so i set the gain to just before the clip light , but then the gain knob has a volume too, so surely the gain knob itself is all that's needed ? Why a vol on the gain as well as the gain knob ? The master vol isnt a worry
  18. What's the best way to balance the input gain knob that has it's own volume, with the master volume? Asking for a friend Ta
  19. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/384621352331?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110010%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.DISCCARDS%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D234865%26meid%3D5056d4eb30944f5c8731f49a3c81ea61%26pid%3D101110%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26sd%3D165245448695%26itm%3D384621352331%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2563228%26algv%3Ddefault%26brand%3DUnbranded&_trksid=p2563228.c101110.m1982&amdata=cksum%3A3846213523315056d4eb30944f5c8731f49a3c81ea61|enc%3AAQAGAAACEAW4ePZnLWKhN87sVJm0HWzLgnScoYUEIdoyWyWicP6ljJmBZQ4Cs477X5kKP5%2BFuECHCc3uSXIp6wM9kowOm%2BUbYvHgUpaRUfvJMep6vm%2FdT7wO5yTLvqUkbolfi%2Bhti95pYLlqR%2B%2FhBVEa8NkNPn%2BNS%2BLNZaejosOTeBhSXnONrWItWyrowNOodEszUQU9koZ4Kg%2FpEtf31J24h9b0xf88cBBEVAZncXlGMrJ34DMzC1br70QkRw6sfuyBEktXSe7EMZTmTOJ%2Fm5%2FSZnbTcFgAuSSBLVdJLpbJVjQCyM8WpzfLxDYDzevWYtKXCisNHCK8FwmM9QgpYolHE5TqC7k9oztC6qFsxS12qVaJPNxjr%2Fih8mvBFwCYDxA1PEfXxXFDnhI366cpvpXPJNqjb2%2FI7P0k39gyAo2PZ%2FjZhnOKU7iMtDsXT1w8ShZuUuvmDSkhEAZt4%2B1QS4f303rGx3BhluWPBLJ3RdV1OKYn1swiHXHMm9KL2Dnq4sXPDyyFWam4WwAhbrzz3od0gEIdA3cTN%2B74ulGrsP19jK18%2FfV%2Fg8P0dm3h2Tz3nasaljNL%2Bew3NccFvRhDMHJwkGRQudKcRcQTbv39UIz5ZB4dxKKgqiOq0GwTPJ%2BvJCLzL6o7SF68KtIUXl7sC7vP%2FkqwpRA6RntibXHUSnjyKtMugAQvsQ2SWMIvxJirY8Ats0MBcA%3D%3D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2563228
  20. That can be the trouble with photos. Fill flash, no flash, strange natural lighting , flourescant bulbs ...it goes on, so yeah, its hard to tell sometimes what the true colour is
  21. There's a 6 er Mazeti on Ebay. Very reasonable price too https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233788562603?hash=item366ee25cab:g:XdMAAOSweh5et9wO
  22. fleabag


    Yeah agree, it was fab watching the build. If that exact bass was built by say, Alan at ACG, the finish would be flawless
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