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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Yes it is. Just think ' dandruff '
  2. Dont active EMG's have some kind of built in preamp already ?
  3. I joined Bassworld / Basstalk , then Basschat, and when Finnbass took off, i joined there too. ( I joined Talkbass in 2004 before all of them but made the mistake of listing myself from the UK ) Finn was never a threat to Basschat, it was also run differently, and the characters were different. It was immensely humourus at times, rather loose , but ultimately i drifted away because i found it took too long to get answers to serious questions
  4. Thinking of getting some J shape pickups, but with some specific requirements I hate single coil hum, who doesn't, so do they need to be humbucking ? Not looking for trad single coil Fender J sound either. I'd like subdued highs , as glassy brittle treble is not my thang. Smoother midrange, smoother low end. I believe ( rightly or wrongly ) that its easier to add growly mids with onboard / amp EQ to a smooth pickup, than to clean up a growly pickup. I have an onboard preamp, so would passives overload the input when combined with the onboard pre ? Or does it not matter , just turn down the amp gain if there's too much input ? Having said all that, what choices are there for me - recommend some names if you can. Cheers !
  5. Just in case... https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/boss-dc-2w-dimension-c
  6. I never really got on with Chorus pedals, though i've tried a few over the years. They either rob the low or sound too much like a mild flanger or both I dont like the Choruses in my Zoom Multi. Then in a fit of oddness, i bought a Boss Dimension C DC2 . Weird thing, no knobs ( matron ) I couldnt lash out for a new one, as i wasnt sure i'd get on with it, so bought 2nd hand and a lot cheaper than new I really like it, as it can be subtle enough if required, which i do require.
  7. He made a fairly decent ( by his standards ) solo album way back ( 461 Ocean Boulevard ) which i bought many decadaes ago, but i cant stand Cream or anything he's done My now ex GF bought us tickets back in 1994 to see Sheryl Crow at Shep's Bush ( not a euphemism, ) who was bluddy amazing by the way , and as a surprise for a couple of tracks, she wheeled on the old fart, who actually spoiled the show
  8. We did that just before lockdown, New Years Eve gig 2019. Not the whole set but a couple of covers video'd ( Jamiraquai Bad Girls to name just 1 ) and the vids were shoved on the band's Faceache page and they're still there, along with more pre New Years eve gig vids. I dont know why they picked on yours but left ours up ?
  9. On the other foot, you will be using a multitude of the venue's mains sockets. Is the venue covered for damage to your band's equipment if the 240v sockets go a bit awol ?
  10. I accidently saw Clapton On Sea live at the Shepherd's Bush Empire in '94 Bleughhh
  11. The bottom E is upside down, therefore it's just a right hander upside down, otherwise the bottom E would be at the top
  12. It's just a right handed guitar upside down
  13. I'd certainly have one if i could figure out how to squeeze a forklift into the back of my car.
  14. I would seriously remove your mobile number off of your signature. This is a public forum after all, and can be seen by all and sundry.
  15. Nice to see a bass that is a true beaten up relic / road and gigged mojo, rather than those hideous fake reliced jobs.
  16. When i bought tickets to see Brand X at Milton Keynes , i was intending to turn up 100% It was cancelled because of Covid and rescheduled for the following year. During the wait, the last 2 founding members , John Goodsall and the monstrously brilliant Percy Jones, suddenly weren't going to be there. Goodsall couldn't some to the UK because of legal restrictions regarding the pandemic ( Goodsall lives in the US ) and then Percy Jones left the band. With neither of those last 2 original members being in the band, i didnt see the point of going to the gig. Especially since my undeniable excitement of seeing my favourite bass player of all time was not going to be a reality. I got my money back.
  17. I had to just go and check what i do, as i seem to be unaware of how i mute unwanted ringing. It appears that i'm not muting much with my plucking hand. Most of the muting i do is actually with my fretting hand, and particulary how i fret and how i lift my fingers off the string after that note is done with
  18. The less said about that the better. I mean the experience of my commission sale, not the 20% commission itself. Even that's too high when you look at the percentage some other bass shops charge.
  19. Only a handful IIRC. Steve the owner of FB was one, and a couple of others. So not the hoardes of disgruntled bodies it appears or some might have you believe. There was one highly disgruntled member over there, ex of Basschat ( or Bassworld as it was then ) and he even fell out with FB owner Steve eventually, and Steve kicked him off or he left, and that was a guy called Thumper on FB.
  20. There must be a market for basses that have been run over by a few thousand Wildebeast, because some brain dead drainpipe paid over 300 quid for it.
  21. Maybe some divot ran over the parcels in their forklift ?
  22. Indeed there's always opposite views on everything. But opinions........ you know what they say about them
  23. I was on there when it kicked off, and met Steve the owner at a bash and he was a thoroughly nice bloke. He had a fabulous dog too, and Spike ( as was the dog's name ) was a moderator. Shame it's gone... IMO natch
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