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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. https://finnbass.com/viewforum.php?f=17 Like a mustard burp, momentarily tangy, then gone in the wind. Pffft
  2. Thats a fine stable of animals you have there
  3. For mojo, read over 40 year old sweat and finger dirt / grease. Bleugh !
  4. Line 6 relay G75 here. Asbo lootly brilliant. I started off with Xvives Mk1 and they were fine until the internal battery stopped charging after less than 2 years. A waste of 115 quid
  5. Shouting eh ? You know what that means. Are you really a guitarist ?
  6. Keep a sneaky eye and ear on the band Pete. I'm fascinated by what the next bass player ( if indeed there will be one ) is going to make of mr ' Im - so - inadequate - i - cover - it - up - by - shouting - and - blaming - the - bassist - who - can - actually - count - and - keep - time ' Phew. Bit long winded. Soz
  7. The whole Night Clubbing album is superb, as is Warm Leatherette. Both have been in my collection since the 80's. Very tasty work on both CD's by Sly and Robbie. They're also both on GJ's Living My Life
  8. There was only a houseband in the jamming room, which was run by Robin , Jaimie on drums and Roger on bass
  9. No need to translate or even post in French. Masse types decent English, we all understood him
  10. Forgot to mention, but there was a jam session room after the bands finished, every night Friday to Sunday midnight to 3 or 4 am , run by Robin Bibi, and little old me got to jam with Robin. Bit of a treat for Robin, obviously
  11. Ah, thanks. No break dancing, i can assure you. AFAIK, Boogaloo Promotions do lots of these blues fests around the south of the UK. I'd never hread of them till mrs bag booked us in for the weekend.
  12. Me no understand, Mac . Had quite a few sherberts over the weekend, so very likely that i'm suffering somewhat
  13. Fab weekend away at the Boogaloo Blues weekend in Bournemouth 3rd - 6th Dec. Standouts were Greg Coulson Band, The Milkmen , Papa George and Robin Bibi Another standout was the hotel bathroom championship. Which side was mine and which side was mrs bag's - take a wild guess 🤪
  14. They used to have a CS number, but they soon got wise to that. When you get hundreds of calls complaining about shoddy service, you either have to pay more staff to answer the phone complaints as they multiply, or do away with them altogether, and use chat-bot, or just as brilliant, you have to use Arrsebook. I used Arrsbook to do just that after it was obvious one of their drivers stole my goods, and in the end, they just stopped answering messages. I won in the end. Paypal even sided with them just because the courier said it was ' delivered ' No signature or anything. My bank sorted out the thieving w@nkers
  15. Didnt make it to Knobworth '79 but i did I managed to catch LZ at Ally Pally a few years ealier I did Knobby '75 when Pink Floyd played
  16. At Moore's gig, there were mics positioned up there and they were stood next to the mics rabbiting away so the whole place heard them
  17. And what a bass. Cheers Brian - a lovely easy transaction
  18. Just purchased a bass from Brian at a very reasonable price, and also it was in post as quick as you could say ' in the post ' A scholar and a gent
  19. Depends how hard they're hit Anyways, I ignored the genre, because he asked for the above
  20. Nothing less than the disrespecting w@nkers deserve. Nice work mr Moore.
  21. There are levels of genius IMO , Zappa , McCartney, Bowie, etc but i personally consider Sting to be a variation of genius. F'rinstace, picking on just one track - Shape Of My heart - music co-written with Argentinian maestro Dom, lyrics by Sting. It's a masterpiece. Other parts of his life might be contentious, but what the hey, he's not a murderer or bank robber, so who cares.
  22. Catch 23 - the gig could get messy and they blame Pete. Well the guitarist and drummers wife might blame Pete. So could end up with the same result. Pete - give it up. Fack 'em.
  23. Remo Ambassadors are cheaper than the top range stuff like Remo Emperor X, Aquarian, Evans ( owned by D'addario )
  24. DR Sunbeams , AKAIK, are Nickel over round core. Damn fine strings too
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