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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Not sure on that Mickey - their phone number is in my first post, so could be worth giving them a ring
  2. Yeah he did that at my local !
  3. Good feedback. Yes, Monica is the lady mrs bag did the booking with. I've seen Robin Bibi in my local before, as a 3 piece, and he was awesome
  4. Myself and mrs bag are off to this blues weekender fest in Bournemouth in December . Its run at several locations but this one happens to be at the Heathlands Hotel. 3/4 days of it. I dont mind a bit of blues, and of course there's variations at the indoor fest. Acoustic, trad, rock etc. 3 or 4 days maybe a bit much for me but mrs bag is a blues addict, so i'm happy to go. Evening nosebag and brekky included for the duration of the stay. Booze prices are reasonable too, which is extra, natch Anyone else heard of this Boogaloo bunch ? I'd never heard of this mob till mrs bag informed me and asked if i'd go along.
  5. Take photos of the stages of packing. In the event that they try and wriggle out of damage done , you can prove it was packed to good standards
  6. Go on , laugh it up. Not everyone has superb DIY skills. At least i had a go
  7. Cant help because i dont use it. Seems a pointless waste of real estate to me.
  8. To avoid those with rediclous sigs, you can either hide individuals sigs, or hide everyone's sigs Believe me, i have loads of them hidden. Some just take the pizz, as is the norm.
  9. Not really into the music, but the quality of writing and musicianship is exemplary. Stephen Fry once said about their music is that the songs were over engineered into incredible tracks. They didnt just write parts that could be considered ' that'll do ' They went beyond the call of duty
  10. Guinnevere from the CSN's debut album. No Young on the first discette Luxury
  11. Nearly missed this ... just vocals. No instruments, and i hear twangs of the Deja Vu album here. Nash is so distinctive
  12. Indeed, fabulous harmonies by Crosby and Nash on Gilmours ' On an Island ' Superb
  13. Aha ! It is my duty to inform you Al, that some stranger on Farcebook has decided that they want the combo, but not till the 11th Sep. He offered a deposit to hold it, but 3 days on, he still hasn't sent the money. I'm not going to hold the combo for this bloke without the deposit, so as far as i'm concerned, it's for sale and not on hold for him.... yet. If it works out that you fancy the combo, its available till he sends me the deposit, so basically whoever turns up first. Seem ok ?
  14. A mod can merge that into his main thread easy enough. Just have to wait for them all to sober up 😎
  15. Fancy a trip to the deep south of sunny England ?
  16. Quite right Al, the full monty 800 watt on tap, without the need of a 2nd cab. Even i'm tempted to buy it off me
  17. No passport . Can you fix me up with a fake ? 😎
  18. I love Eneloops - great batteries. Originally , Eneloops were made by Sanyo, although Panasonic bought out Sanyo 12 years ago
  19. Is that one of those brilliant Acoustic 360 rigs behind Notm ?
  20. He certainly had a good grip on his Jack Daniels bottle
  21. The magic or the bass ? 😬
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