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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Big treat on Sky Arts tonight. Its Frank Zappa. And for those in the other Zappa thread wondering which albums for beginners, then this is for you. 2 of his best and most accessible ..Overnight Sensation and Apostrophe. Enjoy
  2. Edited 1 hour ago by uk_lefty Self censored profanity to remove term that rhymes with Barry White Carry shyte ?
  3. AS posted , you might wanna skip 200 Motels, but there's some real treats coming up. Hot Rats, Overnight Sensation ( killer ! ) Zoot Allures, Had the pleasure of seeing the great man live at Hammersmith Odeon. One of my standout live gigs along with King Crimson ( Discipline era ) The Tubes , Floyd, Bowie
  4. Drumming was my bag before i took up the bass. Many gigs under the belt, but bass is so much more satisfying, so i found out. Up until a couple of years ago, i still had a pop on the tubs now and again at our local Sunday jam at Fat Lils. @FinnDave knows the venue i speak of
  5. I can't change my Reverb PW because i dont remember what it was. That's the trouble of being advised to have a different PW for every site we join but told dont write them down. I'm on loads of sites.
  6. If they were the only basses available, then you wouldn't be playing something else, shirley ? Unless you mean something like a Euphonium ? Kettle Drum ?
  7. That was the extremely rare Labra bass by Doc Martin custom builds
  8. fleabag


    I'm surprised your Psilos is not in here. Oddballest bass on Basschat !!
  9. fleabag


    Where's all the oddballs ..
  10. Bert was in our house too, thanks to daddy. Also Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. Happy days
  11. Agreed, very different. Berlin AFAIK, does not play a fretless, and a big part of BX's sound is PJ's fretless, since he doesnt really play fretted basses. Without PJ or Goodsall, the last 2 members, how can it be Brand X.
  12. It maybe that people are holding on to their cash right now, understandably. This might not be a good time to sell
  13. More good points made chaps. Still thinking...
  14. Good points made Looking at current prices where they can actually be found ( no Russian 100 quid oldies ) we're looking at 1700-1800 and 750-900 quids I'll have a think !
  15. Possibly Andy, but i cannot post as neither bass has a hard enough case. Shops can arrange the shipping without hard cases, ( i've already done this before but with a shop i wont deal with ) and they're also responsible
  16. It may end up that i'll have to phone every shop i can think of and ask 'em, but Bass Gallery is looking like the main contender
  17. I'm thinning more of my herd, ( 2 vintage basses and a combo ) and wondered what % age shops charge. Saves me phoning every shop in the UK , if anyone knows what some of them charge percentage wise. AFAIK, the Bass Gallery charge 15% which is fairly reasonable. I dont know about all the others, like Vintage and Rare, Vintage and Modern, Wunjo, Andy Baxter etc. Forget BD. I wont deal with them Anyone had recent experience with commission sales? How'd it go and who with ? Ta folks
  18. fleabag


    I have no idea ..i bought it off a bass/guitar customiser called Patchwork Axes. I think he's defunct now
  19. fleabag


    No offence. 😲 Just wondering if anyone owns/owned an odd looking bass. I had this, and still have the neck.
  20. Assuming a right handed player, then when using the bass, the onboard EQ will be facing the floor, unless the EQ is for guitar only. Also, whichever way round you play it, a set of strings are going to be cheese grating your clothes.... or skin, if you play naked
  21. I pretend to be American on TB and actually get replies to posts.
  22. No worries mate. It doesnt matter where you're from, what age you are or what music you like.
  23. Actually, nobody asked. Carry on.
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