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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. We are all just prisoners here, of our own device
  2. Yeah, that came from an interview with Percy, straight from the horses mouth. I had to dig into my memory trough for that More funny info... Percy built his own flangery wah type thing before they were an effect, and it was well strange. It used to get so hot, he had to use a Peltior system to cool it down, but the sound kep changing depending on how hot it got. He was a bit of an amateur ( but a bloody good one ) lectronix hobbyist It can be heard on early Brand X where wah is involved. I might even remember which track (s) if i rack my walnut
  3. Morrocan Roll was a killer CD , and in my collection. Also Unorthodox Behaviour, and Masques. Percy only on those, i think. Funny bit of info ..PJ's first fretless was a Gretsch fretted ( IIRC ) and he filed down the frets under the D and G strings, but its only been used on one track " Running on Three " After they got their first ever advance, PJ went straight out and bought a Precision fretless, and the WAL came after that. John Goodsall bought a fur coat with his first advance
  4. Not really. Rather, its playing Brussel Sprouts at 250 BPM The next brilliant question will be what kind of dust gets stuck in your bridge mechanism.
  5. AKG D112 Mk 2 mic. For Bass cabs and Bass Drums. Bought new and never used so its an Alan ( Minter ) The mic stand shown in the box isnt supplied with these mics. I bought that seperately at an extra £20. Also new and unused. Price includes postage
  6. That WC track was one of our staples, along with some James Brown. I always played it incorrectly, though i knew what the correct line was. It just suited me to play it my own way, and it was 90% the same anyways
  7. I use all four fingers on the fretting hand, depending. Not all the time, just if and when. I am a kit-kat bassist
  8. Same here. What a laugh. " I built them homes in good faith. It wasn't my fault they used soluble bricks "
  9. Bill Lawrence also made great pickups. Early Overwaters had them.
  10. Aha...why didnt i just google it ! I remember, what started John tinkering and mixing pickups was when he purchased a mid-80s Carvin AE-185 that he played on the Live video at Carnegie Hall. It’s a semi-hollowbody with two humbuckers and a piezo in an acoustic-style bridge. He thought that was the coolest thing - whether it was one stereo cord out, or maybe he’d just have another output and another cord and plug into the amp, and then switch back and forth, or blend the two pickups. And then he started doing that kind of modification to all his guitars.” Good read, this https://www.musicradar.com/news/on-jj-cale-he-would-buy-a-dollar100-guitar-then-if-he-messed-it-up-by-drilling-holes-it-was-okay-that-was-the-cost-of-educating-himself
  11. I lurve a bit of JJ too. Got some at home. Didnt he use a stereo guitar in the past ?
  12. WTF is rawk ? Sounds like my neighbour's parrot trying to speak scouse
  13. There's actually a couple of nice jazz fusion tracks on this, to my surprise 👍
  14. This was a disappointment, i'm sorry to say
  15. We've all puchased on the strength of the cover, and i was suckered in to buy this.
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