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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Thats weird. My post above was instant. Post in Wildlife - 27 seconds. Post in Gen Diss - 40 seconds Edit - spoke too soon. This post 47 seconds
  2. Top gal. Employing left out in the sh!tstorm musicians is a lovely thought. If she were nearer i'd be frequenting her gaff for a double decaff vanilla latte in a bucket
  3. Heabutt is no good. It needs a size 10 hobnail in the family jewels.
  4. Same here Mick. Browsing is no problem, but every post i've made today has taken anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds
  5. Are they tattoos or erasable ink ? If they're tatts, then yup, i'm afraid he looks like a right knubhead right now, let alone when he's pushing a trolley in the aisles of Asda in 40 years
  6. Bolo : Yeah but they sound sh*t don't they. Not really. They do sound like aeroplanes though
  7. I dont think anyone would complain if the ply was made up of Walnut/Ash/Walnut /Ash/Walnut etc etc.
  8. They might be cheapo copies Jim Sussed out by the BC software
  9. I'm afraid it's me that sucks
  10. I have a tuner mute and an amp mute. I must be special
  11. Dont go in the Den Of Uniquity, firstly cos @Teebs lurks in there, and secondly you'll expunge 'likes' in a fashion hitherto unknown to real humans. Thirdly, Teebs is in there
  12. The list is exhaustive, but in no order of any description .. Steve Gadd ( oooh if only ) Simon Phillips , Phil Collins ( mainly because of his stunning work with Brand X ) Pierre Moerlin , Bonham of course, Billy Cobham, Bill Bruford , Michael Shrieve , Terry Bozzio ( his work with Zappa ) etc etc
  13. Wunjo were great when i bought an expensive 2nd hand bass from them. It wasnt advertised with a case, so they included hard case and also knocked 200 quid off the price. I wouldnt buy a pick from Bass Direct after the shocking shambles i had with them and my missing commission sale bass. To this day it has not reappeared that i know of. I was so close to laying the lying fart on his derrière in his shop
  14. Here's a wonderful track and one of about 25+ i played in my funk band - the notes are not that tricky, but the timing is more critical. Another outrageous bass line by Bootsy Collins
  15. In think they are discon, and i bought my 2 here on BC second hand
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