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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. What about a 4 x 6" Markbass New York ? Those little cabs are damn good. I had two, and i think they may have been B&C drivers
  2. Dont capacitors discharge on their own over a couple of days, or do they store their charge for eons ?
  3. 18 minutes ago, ebenezer said: I think hitting a bottom B would give me a dizzy turn! IF this cab is " tuned " to 26hz then you could play a bass with a low Ab string. That would give yer kidneys some dizzy turn
  4. Only got Freeview and Freesat, both are DV-R so have a lot of recording potential. I dont need anything else, and certainly not a subbed package. And Frank B, same here. Holder's shouty voice and silly narrative spolit it
  5. No one tells me when i can or can't buy basses. No one. 🤓 Currently 4 basses in the fold and a Taylor 12 string electro
  6. Have you checked the intonation ? Check the open G with a tuner, and then fret the G at the 12th fret. The tuner should show no difference. If there is, you need to adjust the intonation at the bridge. The adjustment screw can move the saddle forwards or backwards depending on whether the string is sharp or flat
  7. Quite right. Come on ped. Get yer size 9's off the sofa, switch off Babestation, and get this massive issue sorted pronto. We all know you dont have a life
  8. A video of packing is still no proof. Soon as the camera is turned off, the knobs can be whipped off ( and other stuff depending on the item ) and then sent.
  9. Thanks Matt but that went way over my head. Leccy fault finding is out of my league
  10. Yup maybe that's the prob, the amp. If i had a working TE original footswitch, as noted above, i could find out more. Cant see a tech right now
  11. I think the best thing is not to buy anymore footswitches just in case there's something amiss in the amp. Cant do anything right now, obviously. I think an original TE graphic/pre-shape switch would be handy, and one that is known to be working. That way i can then definately tell if its the amp or not
  12. I tried a Washburn cricket bat just the once and was thrown because the bass hung further to the right than my headed basses and i was playing 1 fret out. It wasnt nice to play, but luckily it wasnt mine
  13. Didnt get a notification for your post, Matt, so a bit late. The Mosky i bought did nothing at all, literally. Its now a good chance that my TE needs latching, and not momentary
  14. The bogseat Bongo. Easy to play sitting down. I'd have one. I love 'em. Just dont like the price
  15. I've seen that before, a couple of years back. Superb, and what a tone.
  16. Good point, though a bit odd that he played it live on fretless and not fretted
  17. Brand X ..Born Ugly. Percy Jones on fretless duty
  18. The Firm - someone to love. Tony Franklin on fretless duty Japan - Halloween. You know who on fretless Japan again. Visions of China
  19. Also didnt know GP played with GM, and while i also cant stand GM's voice, he was a hell of an axe murderer
  20. fleabag


    Hows that, any better ?
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