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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. That is some serious wood ya got there. No offence
  2. Yeah, it looked a little shabby when i was at your house. Maybe cut down on the alcohol ?.
  3. I love surprises. Its bigger than my tree ...
  4. Ah, probably...i got a smidge mixed up
  5. Apart from his appalling Hunt actics, ( caveman sport , Otis and that ilk haven't evolved ? ) didnt he get done for peeing on an Epitaph or something ?
  6. He could easily join using a different name. Then again, i'm sure being banned doesnt stop him from just reading the shytstorm that's coming his way For a career criminal and shyster, he's not that clued up on how to get away with it. I think if someone quietly moved his supper 5 inches to the right, he'd starve
  7. There's always one , isn't there ? Good man Bryan, and what music that man has made over the decades
  8. The workmanship on that neck is stunning
  9. A simpler way to view is to just copy and paste the URL https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Truss-Hot-Rod-Nut-For-STRATOCASTER-TELECASTER-Guitar-Bullet-Allen-Head/254799609549?hash=item3b533d7ecd:g:UcsAAOSwT~9Wj3K5
  10. Take this bit as you find it ...
  11. My station is temp adjustable, as i found that some jobs need higher or lower temps. I've had this bad boy WEP 937D for years and still works a treat. There's about 6 tips that come with it. Also, the most useful sundry tool i've found for soldering, apart from the crocodile clip holders, is a headset with LED's and a choice of snap in magnifiers. I've had this marksman headset for may years too, and it also works flawlessly. Not even changed the batteries since i bought it
  12. So is this your final comment Or is it this one ? this one ?
  13. Anonymous people getting their knickers in a twist on an internet forum ? Surley not
  14. I'd just like to remind everyone that St Hubbins was the patron saint of quality foot wear
  15. Yeah, the captcha is there now. When in first hit the link, i got ' Error '
  16. Neil was priceless. Since the link is now fubar, i'm guessing it was also a substantial amount.
  17. Ouch. Now i've seen it, i can't rewind , i've come too far
  18. I bought a monster axe from Reidys recently, and the said axe was 250 quid cheaper than anyone else, incuding the usual suspects So i give them a thumbs up, matron
  19. I was struggling to find the right words, but finally....
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