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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. You really have to try Mombai Tench, then. Thats an eye opener
  2. I've had gear from GAK, without a hint of trouble
  3. Personally, i couldnt care less about his sub par bass playing. It aint that bad, but he is a song writing genius and that is an art thats way beyond playing a bass. I wish i had some of that writing talent
  4. I've added some text to the post above while you were replying Dave. Seemed like he was boss and shop manager at the time. Maybe they furloughed some staff? I've had a major issue with BD. Its been documented, but a bass i paid £ 1500 for , went to BD for a commision sale and it disappeared, and i got told a pack of lies. I had to do the same with him, send the same sort of email that i sent HW Audio
  5. Actually, what pizzed me off the most was not the slackness in comms. once the physical damage was done, although that helped, it was more the fact that when they said they would collect to fix the humming, he warned me to pack it properly, or they wont be reponsible for any damage en route back to them. I said i know how to pack properly, i've sent basses and cabs over the UK and Europe, but i cant be reposnsible for very heavy handed couriers dropping it from a great height or running over it in a forklift. He still said i was responsible, no matter how well i packed it. Pizzed off No.1 I packed the thing to be bombproof, they received it and sent it back in flimsy bubble wrap ( the thin kind ) that had maybe two layers all round, then it went in box that was too big , so it could easily flop around as well. I would have stuffed more packing in the gaps. Ironic that it turned up facked and smashed to bu$$ery. Pizzed off No.2
  6. Not quite Dave. As it turns out, i was dealing with the boss all this time, including the original purchase, all through the emails regarding the first leccy problem, and onwards with the 2nd problem, but didnt know it Its only when posting this thread , when someone said email the MD, that i found his name in a companies search, and of course then i found his surname, which i never knew before because he never gave it in communications, just his first name. Still, it ended well after all that. I'll not be doing business with them again, so they get added to the list along with Bass Direct
  7. Yup, chicken dinner. Or fish dinner in my case. No chicken
  8. Ooooh, and some of the cash went towards a Markbass AC Lite combo. Much better all round
  9. I'm not pos, but isnt the deluxe 2 a dual pickup jobbie ?
  10. I think you're talking about the cab rather than the amp head ? I recently sold my ABM compact 500 watt 1x15. Have to say its a fine cab, but a little weighty these days amongst the plethora of lighweight cabs. Prices are very different though.
  11. John works alone, and is usually away from his computer, as you can imagine, the bloke builds and sends stuff all over the world. All on his own. A phone call always seems to get him rather quickly because he can hear it in his workshop.
  12. Well, i took the PCB out with 3 pots attached, then the blend. Managed to knock a wire off in the process, but soldered it back ok. Whatever has happened, i dont know, but its back working. I dont get it, but hey , gotta be happy with it Thanks for all the help Woody and chappies
  13. You could be right. I may have them mixed up Yes its the one nearest the jack socket.
  14. Thanks mate, but its the treble pot thats facked, not the bass pot, but yes, as you look at the photo above, its the pot top left. I'll have a week look at the area you have marked. Ta
  15. Bit over my head woody, but is R8 a resistor ? I will have to remove the preamp, because its impossible to see the wires ( or resistor ) on the bass pot, as you can see from the photo
  16. Thanks guys Does that make a difference to the problem ?
  17. I think i may be confused. It seems from the scheme that they're not seperate tone pots for each pup, but a bass pot and a treble pot. None the less, when turning up the treble pot ( the dodgy one ) i dont get any treble, though volume is fine. Its when backing off that almost all volume disappears, and it goes really thin, trebly, no bottom at all
  18. If this is any help, i got the schematic from Status for this TB42 circuit. The blend pot has to be added seperately but has the schematic
  19. Its a Status Matrix, and there's a PCB involved. Its only a dodgy tone pot in active, because in passive, both tone pots are out of the circuit
  20. Its twin soapbar single coil pickups, tone pot for each pup, + single blend + single volume, + active / passive mini switch. Neck pickup is fine, tone working, but the bridge pickup tone is bizarre. When the tone is full up, volume on full , it should be very toppy, but its the opposite. Volume is fine. When rolling off the tone, almost all volume disappears and tone is extremely thin and trebly. The loss of volume is huge, though still audible. Hard to diagnose for anyone i'm sure, but is this the tone pot's fault, or bridge pup going down ?
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